A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Friday, January 8, 2010


Friday used to be the favorite day of the week.  As a retiree it is just another day.  It means if you want to avoid the crowds in the stores you don’t plan to shop tomorrow.  It also means traffic gets a little crazy on Friday afternoon as working people hurry to get ready for their week-end.  I like Friday’s now just about as much as I ever did.

One good thing about a liquid diet is there aren’t very many dirty dishes.  The liquid diet along with the anti-diarrheal over the counter pills seems to be working.  I am getting a little tired of jello.  I might try some soup this evening and see how that goes but I hate to mess with what seems to be working. 

The dogs got shortened walks today as it is cold, high in the 40’s, and there is a wind, plus I am conserving my energy.  They didn’t seem to mind much.  Teddy isn’t happy with his short haircut.  I have to keep telling his he is still a handsome fellow.  Is it wrong to lie to a dog?  As a hair ball he was kind of cute but now that I can see his face he is one ugly dog.   I wrapped him up in a windbreaker and he really liked that.  He still is a very sweet ugly dog.   He has some bad habits which we are working on.  If he can find rabbit poop he will eat it.  He also will eat my food given the opportunity.  Haven’t used the doctored cracker trick again but I got some red pepper to add to the cracker the next time I do it. 


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