A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Monday, November 26, 2012


So I ask to be left alone – HA. That’s a joke.

I called my oncologists nurse about 9:30 this morning.  At 5:30 she called back.  I asked what she was still doing at work.  She pointed out that it is Monday.

She asked some questions, called the Dr. and then called me back (6:30).  Prescriptions are at the drug store waiting for me.

Since my darling daughters idea of leaving me alone is to come for lunch tomorrow I’ll let them pick up the prescriptions.  They are bringing lunch so I can’t say too much.

I think something may be afoot with them.  I may just smooch all over them and give them my cold. 


Sunday, November 25, 2012


I have a cold with all the extras – leave me alone.

By the way I had a very nice Thanksgiving with family.


Monday, November 19, 2012

Daughter’s Birthday

I get flowers on my daughter’s birthday, after all I did most of the labor that day.  Notice the “vase”.


I have nice vases but they are all stored on top of the kitchen cupboards and I don’t do ladders or chairs anymore.  They will wilt just as fast in my pop bottle.


We went out to eat at the Spaghetti Warehouse.  I love their wedding soup. 

How is it possible that I forget frost on the car windows every year until November.  And where did I put that scraper with the the brush on one end?

I find I need ten to twelve hours of sleep each day.  That doesn’t leave much time for feeding dogs, eating meals, making meals, letting dogs out and in four or five times a day etc.  I did get my trash out to the street this evening unlike last week. 

I found my foot warmers and used them last night.  They have rice in the bottom and you warm them in the microwave.  I barely remember putting my head on the pillow.




Monday, November 12, 2012

Welcome Winter

Didn’t get my lawn mowed but I did get to the grocery store. I forgot my list but managed to get everything on it and a few extras besides.

Susan brought me a pizza for lunch and we caught up on a lot of news.

In straitening up my kitchen counter I somehow unplugged my phone. Lory came by to see what was wrong.  We soon found the problem and corrected it.  Hmm, maybe I’ve figured out a way to get a visit.  Bad Momma

It rained all morning.

Rascal is spooked by the fireplace in the bedroom.  It’s a ventless natural gas fireplace with a remote control.  What luxury on chilly mornings.  She barked at it this morning to get it to come on so I obliged her.  This could be fun.

I’ve been trying to teach her to “speak” to go out but Teddy always does it first.  The hand motion for speak is opening and closing your thumb and fingers, like a mouth opening and closing.

The theory is that if you teach a dog to bark you can teach them to stop if you close your hand.  RIGHT!  We will see about that.

Laundry is on the list for this week. 


Friday, November 9, 2012

After Election

So my guy lost – am I going into a blue funk and pout and refuse to watch all the discussions about why and what will happen next?

You bet I am!

My brother is out of the hospital and called today.  He sounded much better.

Had a nice chat with my sister who has been in Europe.  Glad to hear her voice.

Hoping to get my lawn mowed tomorrow.  Also need to get to the grocery store.  I’m low on chocolate.



Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Voting and the Weather

Sure am glad I voted by absentee ballot.  I heard the polls were very busy.  I doubt if I will stay up late enough to hear who won.  In fact it may not even be decided by tomorrow.

I did a bit of cooking today which means I need to do dishes tomorrow.  I made goulash and I’ve never figured out a way to make a small batch.  I may try freezing some of it or maybe some of the kids will stop by and relieve me of some of it.

I’m a bit worried about my brother.  He is in the hospital with pneumonia.  I talked to him on the phone yesterday and thought something was wrong.  He will be VERY upset that he didn’t get to vote.  His state went the way he would have voted so I hope that makes him feel a bit better.

I have eyebrows! I felt them the other day.  The hair on my head seems very slow to grow and some is still falling out.  I guess it takes a long time for the chemo to get out of my system.

The weather has stayed cold, high’s in the 40’s.  The lawn needs mowing but it’s too cold to ask my neighbor to do it.  It is supposed to warm up some soon.  Maybe in the 50’s,  Big whoop.


Friday, November 2, 2012

Winterized RV

The RV got to the shop and got winterized and returned thanks to Andrea and Jake, Lory and John.

I had the people at the shop look at the hitch I bought from the former owner of the car to see if it would work.  They were thrilled that I had managed to find the instructions and get them printed (thanks to Susan). They say they can install it in an hour.  One major piece they were worried about was still on the car.

So next summer when people want to use it they can tow the car behind and have separate transportation.  Of course, they will have to leave me a car that works.  I expect towing the car will not help the mileage on the RV.  Meaning there is something less than 9 MPG!

A good friend, whom I have never met, was surprised to find the videos I have posted on youtube.  I post under katbulue.  My grandson has some musical ones on there under dolfantim.  He plays the guitar very well.  Sometimes I get a private concert.

I got spoofed today.  Lory and John were returning the RV and I saw them at the back of the RV with some papers.  I went out to see what they were doing – they had an Obama/Biden sticker on  there.  They had stopped at the Obama headquarters to get it.  I am afraid I didn’t think it was funny.                         

I guess I am one of those rabid conservatives. 




Thursday, November 1, 2012

Sandy Wind

All we had was a very restless night with the wind noises.  Our lights didn’t even fiicker.  I think that is because Duke energy has done a good job of trimming possible things that could fall on the lines.  Of course, we didn’t get the worst of the winds.

I haven’t ventured outside to see if there has been any damage to the siding.  I will ask my grandchildren to do that when they visit this afternoon.

I got my bulbs planted.  Probably should put some more dirt on top of them and maybe a layer of leaves, too.  Highs in the 40’s doesn’t encourage me to go outside.  Guess I’m a houseplant.

I managed to change the batteries in my remote control for the fireplace.  The unit is on the floor so I had to get on the floor.  I don’t get up well.  Should have thought ahead and placed a walker nearby.  I ended up scooting over to the rocking chair and using it’s arms to pull up.  I can still touch my toes with my fingers but when the knees get involved things don’t work so well.

The latest teaching experience for Rascal is learning to bark when she wants to go out.  Teddy can do it and she watches him.  After the first lesson she laid in Teddy’s dog bed and let out one bark.  I think that was a test of her voice.  She barks at people coming to the door but that must be different to her. 

Nap time.
