A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year


Being in Florida where there are a lot of retirees I thought this clipart was appropriate.

I called the doctor’s office today about my stomach problems.  The nurse called back and said I should see my general practitioner (who is in Ohio); the Zometa they gave me couldn’t be causing it.  I love it when doctors are fools.   Maybe I’ll email my general practitioner.   I just wanted to know if side effects could take a month to show up.   I even went online and posted a question on a website.  No answers yet. 

It has been cloudy and drippy all day which made for shortened walks.   The lady who works here offered to take me to the store if I didn’t want to unhook the RV.  What a nice person.

Everyone have a wonderful New Year.  2010 – WOW


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

You Can’t Fool Water

10:30 a.m. Normally it takes 15 minutes for the water heater to heat the water warm enough for a shower, using just the hot water.  You can’t leave your RV water heater on all the time as it overflows.  But, when it has been a really chilly night, 15 minutes is not enough.  I found that out the hard way this morning.  And when you are in the shower it is too late to get out and turn the water heater back on.  Lesson learned – test the water temperature before you get naked.

I thought the RV was pretty level.  All I have to judge by is a round bubble level that sits by the driver seat in a cup holder.  But you can’t fool water.  The shower is not draining very well.  The last bit of water pools away from the drain.  A few scoops with my feet takes care of most of it, a couple of paper towels take care of the rest.

6:00 p.m.  Did two loads of laundry today and met a couple of ladies at the laundry room.  They have four washers and four dryers.   They are $1.50 each so two loads is $6.00.  One of the ladies works here.  It’s nice to chat with people you don’t really know.  Nothing much new, just relaxing and walking the dogs.


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Propane Today

I ran out of propane in the night, of course it was the coldest night yet.  To get propane I had to drive to the tank which is behind the office.  I stowed things that might move around and partially closed this laptop computer and left it on the table.  After getting my tank filled and getting back to my site I opened the computer and found two letters missing, the P and the L.  Some furry friend had decided to try out that thing that occupies so much of the master's time.  Luckily the letters were not lost and  popped back on their spots.  Lesson learned, close computer all the way when I will be out of the RV.  I am guessing it was Teddy.

I did get a card for a dog groomer from the office.   Silly needs a grooming and the other two need toenails cut etc.

We tried the nature walk again today, not all the way as there is a large bull dog tied outside an RV at one end of it.  So we walked starting the other end about half way and then turned around and came back.  We did see wildlife.

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The sign says Please Use Caution; Beware; Trails & Ponds Could have Alligators & Snakes.  Thank you.

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All we saw was this large bird patiently waiting for a meal.  We couldn’t get very close but his reflection is giving him away. Of course, the dogs sniffed and probably know about a lot of other wildlife nearby.

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This sign says: You might see many insects on this trail like bees, wasps, spiders, and maybe even a scorpion, but insects like those normally only bite when they feel they are in danger or you walk threw(?) their nest by mistake.  Now mosquitoes on the other hand will bite no matter what.  Female mosquitoes bite to survive, she needs blood so she can lay her eggs.  Did you know that male mosquitoes do not bite at all?  Protect yourself against mosquitoes by using insect repellent with these ingredients: Deet, Lemon Eucalyptus, or Picaridin.

I finally got around to doing some geneology this afternoon.   The time just flew.  It got up to 85 degrees in the RV before I noticed and turned on the fan.  The sun hits and it gets hot quickly as there isn’t much insulation.  It wasn’t really that warm outside. 


Monday, December 28, 2009


These pictures are in no particular order.  The first is the fountain in the pond.  The wind makes it go one way or the other.

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My RV and my picnic table.  I have a nice size spot. There is no one on either side right now.  Even if the place fills up I will still have plenty of space.  They seem to be expecting a lot more people to come after the holidays.

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The office which includes a laundry room and store and bathrooms.

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There are cabins here, too.  Some are bigger than others.  This is one of the bigger ones.   Several of them are occupied. 

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Almost everyone here has animals.  A lady was out looking for her white cat this morning.  He should be easy to spot with all the greenery.  The campground owner was a bit abrupt about keeping dogs on a leash.  I always do but apparently not everyone does.   

I’m still working on solving the upset stomach thing which comes and goes.  I think I have it solved and then it is back. 

I put my outdoor plastic rug outside the door today.  I used to have long nails with washers (to keep the nail heads from pulling thru the rugs mesh) to hold down the corners.  They are missing from my tool box.   I have no idea where they are.  So I will add some to the list.  I found some poor substitutes that may work if the wind doesn’t get too strong. 


Sunday, December 27, 2009

New Campground

I found a campground just north of Lake City that has cable TV, WIFI, a working ladies room, a pull thru site, a pond with a fountain, and I get all the bars lit up on my cell phone.  Sure it costs a bit more but it is worth it.  I am back in this century.  They also have a list of rules and an office with a store and a nature walk.  We have been vegging out since we got here, watching TV and walking the nature walk.  There are signs warning about alligators and snakes on the nature walk.   We didn’t see any yet.

I will be here for a month and a week, probably.   This wasn’t the campground I had planned on going to, but that is okay.  I think this one is better.  A lot of campgrounds are putting individual electric meters on their sites.  This place hasn’t done that yet.  Those meters are expensive and I find it surprising that they could pay for themselves.

I’ll have pictures in a day or two.  Tonight I am a happy camper.


The Day After the Day After

It came to me in the night – my RV has wheels.  I am moving to another campground today.  Why wait until Tuesday.  I don’t need to stress of other people controlling my life.  Dave is ex-military and I have worked with many men who retired from the military.  They sometimes have a problem with control, as in controlling other people.   So when the internet comes on at 8:00 a.m., if it does, I will post this and be on my way.


Saturday, December 26, 2009

Day After

The internet is down this morning so I will start this on Windows Live Writer.  The spell check on this program is different.  As you type, if it thinks your word is misspelled, it underlines it with a squiggly red line.   It doesn’t make any suggestions and  it always underlines contractions – like doesn’t until you put on the final t.

Chilly morning today and the place is very quiet.  I guess all the excitement of Christmas is over.  Even the dogs are kind of laid back. 

Okay, I’ve been chatting with real people who live here  and they tell me that periodically the owner turns off the internet and this is one of those times.  He has said he will turn it back on tonight at 8:00.   Too many people were downloading;   maybe he was too nice yesterday and had to make up for it today; maybe Santa didn’t bring him what he wanted for Christmas.   I have been in campgrounds before when the internet didn’t always work but it was because of a technical problem, not someone’s temper tantrum.  I’m looking forward to next Tuesday when I move to a different campground.

I am not without resources.  I called my daughter and asked her to call the owner to tell him she is worried about me since she has normally heard from me thru the internet by this time of day.  It is now 8:15.  We will see if that has any results.  If I stand outside and hold onto the barbed wire fence I can get minimal cell phone service. 

9:37 p.m.

I just got back from the office to ask about the internet service.  He, Dave Dunn, admitted he had turned it off and it would only be on from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. 

I used their phone to call my daughter to emphasize me need for the internet.  This is stupid.   I did get him to turn it on --

This is a rant ---- sorry.


Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Found this picture on a clipart site.  This is what it’s all about.  


Of course, there is also the food…..

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Eyes on the food guys ---  on the table ---  ham and turkey and 2 kinds of dressing and gravy and much much more.

There is also the decorations…

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I have  forest of Christmas trees on my refrigerator.

Good friends and lots to eat. 

Hope everyone had a wonderful day.


Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

All is quiet except for the neighbor and his friend who are sitting around a fire pit with no fire and getting roaring drunk.  They offered me some “nature” which turned out to be pot.  Needless to say I turned them down.  Then they started telling  racial jokes.  I was just trying to get past them to take the dogs for their evening walk.   I tried to be polite but it wasn’t easy.  We finally got past and had our walk.  I guess everyone celebrates in their own way. 

I have decided my belly ache and other symptoms are probably side effects (should that be affects?  I can never figure that out) of this new pill I am taking,  aromasin.  It seems to start about 3 hours after I take the pill.  What’s a little nausea  and belly ache if the meds are doing some good.  I’ll mention it to the Dr. at the next appointment.  In the meantime I will eat light meals more often and take stomach soothing over the counter stuff that seems to help.   I try not to read all the side effects of meds before I take them as I am suggestible and might think I had them just because I read about them. 

I will be moving next Tuesday to another campground.  I won’t miss my next door neighbor at all.  Wonder why he rides a bicycle to the store?  Maybe he LOST HIS LICENSE? 

The solution to the shower that won’t drain was to put a sign on the door saying “out of order – use the men’s room”.  Glad I can use my own shower safely now since I got some vinegar to remove the soapy film from the floor.  

I just reread this and it sounds like I am grumpy.  Hmmmm.

I hope someone gets some pictures of my Great-grandsons when Santa comes to their door this evening.  

Merry Christmas to all.


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

People and Dogs

Nothing much today.  I did laundry and chatted with a very nice gentleman.  It turns out Sandy had wanted me to meet him.  I hate it when people try to fix other people up with other people who don’t want to be fixed up.   Anyway, we chatted.  He has had an interesting life, lived in Key West for several years and raised birds, etc. 

A few evenings ago Teddy laid at my feet, under the table and whimpered and cried.  So I got him out and inspected him and found he had an ear infection.  He has had this before and I still have the medicine.  It involves pulling out some hair for visibility, cleaning out his ear with Q-tips, and putting a few drops of medicine in the ear.  This takes some time as he squirms, it must hurt.  After two evenings of this extra attention, Red got under the table and started whimpering.  Now she does not get ear infections.   I got her out and gave her some attention anyway.  She is a pretty good faker.  I tried not to make it too much fun for her.   Animals are great entertainment.


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I’m A Winner!

I won the weekly prize drawing at pogo.com !  It’s amazing.  It’s $250.00.  Many times I have wondered if people really won those drawings, now I know.  Merry Christmas to me.  I’m thinking about using it to pay for a few expensive days at a beach campground before I head home.

This morning on our early walk I heard a donkey or burro doing his HEEHAW thing.  Haven’t seen him.

The sky.

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This is one of the several cabins they have at this campground.  They arrive on wheels then get set up.  I haven’t seen inside one but they look really cute.

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Monday, December 21, 2009

Shopping Day

An early morning walk has its rewards. 

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We went to town today.  That just involves unplugging from the electricity, stowing the electric cord, and driving away.  Of course, I have to put a lawn chair over the sewer connection so I can see exactly where it is and not drive over it. 

First I instructed the GPS to take me to the address of the Goodwill Store I had found on the internet.  It wasn’t there.  So I found a place to turn around and headed to Walmart. 

I think everyone had the same idea about waiting until today to do their shopping.  I could barely get into the parking lot.   When I got ready to go in I couldn’t find my list that I’ve been making for several days.  Since I bring my “house” with me it had to be here somewhere.  I finally found it, I don’t even remember where.   Carts were at a premium but I found one with a bumpy wheel.  I found everything on my list and even added a six pack of beer, Killian’s Irish Red to be exact.  

I thought about venturing around town but realized that I was already tired so I headed home, after a very short walk with the dogs in Walmart’s parking lot.

The picture below is of the last 3/4 mile of the road to the campground.  It is packed sand and very bumpy.  It is also pretty.   I go about 10 miles an hour on this part of the road.

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This morning there was some frost on the ground.  Last night I finally remembered the electric blanket that my Sister gave me a couple of years ago.  It’s just a small one but my bed is a small one.  Both myself and the dogs appreciated it last night.  Sometime in the night it got turned off but it had done it’s job.

I had help from the owner’s granddaughters on this evenings walk.  They walked the dogs with me and when we got back they came right into the RV.  Then they started climbing into the overhead part and asking for juice and asking what would happen if I got locked out.  I told them I had a key hidden.  Then one of them went nuts wanting to know where the key was.  I told her the only reason someone would want to know that was if they wanted to rob me.   KIDS!!!!!     I thanked them for helping me when they left.


P.S.  They fixed my water connection while I was gone and I didn’t get to see the handy man get squirted – darn.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Why does the Chicken….

Why does the chicken crow at midnight, or 2:00 a.m.?  He is a gorgeous fellow and came closer when I called.  Raised on a farm I can surely remember how to call chickens.  Of course the goats came too.   Don’t know how to call goats as we never had any.  I think maybe he wants some hens and that could be making him not sleep well.  He doesn’t always crow in the night but now and then I hear him.

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This goat is on top of their hill, all by himself.  Do goats play king of the hill?  

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Today was clean or else day.  Two dogs were sick in the night which involved getting up and letting them out quickly.  It could be a dog version of what I’ve been having.  I vacuumed and swept and scrubbed.  Does anyone wake up and say “oh goody, it’s cleaning day”?  I don’t think so.  Other people had the same idea.  One fellow was hosing off his trailer and, inadvertently, his bulldog.  She didn’t seem to mind at all. 

I have used my shower only once on this trip.  I found that something, maybe shampoo, had spilled in the shower and made the floor very slippery, dangerously slippery.  So I have scrubbed it twice and am still not satisfied enough to use it again.  I’ll pick up some vinegar next shopping trip.  That will kill the soap and make the shower safe again.   I’ve been using the campground’s shower and it leaves a bit to be desired.  I mentioned the fact that the shower drain doesn’t work to Sandy and she got right on the men to fix it as if it overflows it goes into their home.  It does give me feet a good soaking. 

A smart aleck grandmother, me, bought some blue mouth wash that shows up if you haven’t done a good job brushing your teeth for our trip to Gettysburg back in June.  Now that is the only mouthwash I have.  Serves me right. 

Hopefully tomorrow will be shopping day.   Should I get some mouthwash?  Naaaaa


Saturday, December 19, 2009

Up to Snuff

  OK I have been inspired to figure out how to link.  Click on the word link and it takes you to an explanation of “Up to Snuff” .   Or here is another one just to prove I figured out how to do it.

  This information was supplied by the Sister (capitol S Sister – an old family joke) of the man I called dumb.  He wasn’t really dumb but he sure could be aggravating at times.    She was inspired to find the origins of the saying. 

This morning I really wasn’t ready to get up but three furry friends insisted.  I knew I wasn’t fully awake when I picked up the eye drops and held them to my ears and nose before remembering they were for my eyes.   A brisk walk soon woke me up.

After a rainy day yesterday the sun is out even though there is a chill in the air.

My stomach is still iffy so have gone to the meds.  This getting old isn’t easy.   I have put off shopping for a couple more days.  Don’t want to fight the last week-end before Christmas shoppers.  I always have a plan B for when I don’t want to shop.  

Just now convincing Red dog that peacocks are not for chasing is enough.  Once I get back in the pine trees I sometimes drop the leashes and let the dogs run.  They love it.  The place I am going next has a fenced dog run.   Those are always good for sniffing where other dogs have been and they usually have a park bench for dog people.

Chatted with some neighbors yesterday and let the kids pet the dogs.  The dogs are a great ice breaker.  I tell people they look like a Walt Disney movie about the happen.  Got some tips on where to shop.  I have identified a Goodwill store in town and have entered it into the GPS for our next outing.   You never know what you might find. 


Thursday, December 17, 2009

Almost up to Snuff

Whatever that saying means.  I got into trouble once for using a saying that I didn’t know what it meant.  I told my husband he was dumber than a bank mule.  When he asked what that meant I had to admit I didn’t know.  So I wrote a letter to my parents, back before communication was like today.  My Father told me that a bank mule was one who pulled the boats up the Erie Canal after they had floated down.  They didn’t have to know gee or haw, just pull forward.  That is pretty dumb for a mule.   So if anyone knows what “up to snuff” means I hope it isn’t nasty.

Our morning walk was just after sunrise.  The sun was hitting the bottom of the clouds in the picture below.

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Eating regular food tonight after a day of being very careful with the diet.  Even took a shower and got human.  But I have put toilet paper on the shopping list.  I know, TMI, (Too Much Information according to my daughter).

It seems my granddaughters car has a bad transmission and she needs it to get to school.  So my daughter, Lory,  borrowed my car and lent her car to the granddaughter.  It is probably good for my car to be run while I am gone and school is a priority.  Lory’s email to me about their week was one disaster after another.  Her car takes a programmed key that costs $50 some dollars.  The only one she has is taped together.  They were locking Christmas presents in the trunk when the key came apart.  They managed to fish out the part that they needed to get home but are afraid to try to unlock the trunk with it.  So Santa will bring a new key and before Christmas they hope.  Their Christmas tree keeps falling over – there is a 2 1/2 year old and a 1 year old in the house.  Nuth said. 

I seem to remember one year we nailed the tree to the wall.   It was a “found in the woods” Charlie Brown kind of tree anyway.  Did anyone else go shopping for the worst tree they could find?  They were all beautiful when we got done decorating them.

The weather is supposed to be cool and rainy tonight and tomorrow.  Internet service isn’t very good in the rain.  Maybe the signal can’t dodge the raindrops.  So if I don’t post, don’t worry.


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Figuring things out.

One thing I have figured out --  dogs normal temperature is 101 or 102.  So we always feel cool to them since our normal temperature is 98.6.   That’s why they like to cuddle even more on hot days.  There aren’t really perverse.

Another thing I have figured out – you have lived a full year before you are one year old.  So I have already lived my seventieth year before my seventieth birthday.  This could take the sting out of those birthdays with a zero on the end.

Maybe next I’ll figure out why the rooster who lives here crows in the middle of the night.  Maybe he is blind or has dreams.

There is way too much time to figure things out here with no TV to watch.  

My stomach is still yuck today.  I am sticking to tea and crackers and cheese made from rice.  A little sugar in the tea helps with energy.  I have meds for this but have heard it is sometimes better to let them run their course.  Tomorrow will be enough, then meds come out.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Another beautiful day today but it’s going to be Florida’s version of cold tomorrow, high 68. 

The picture below shows one of the cabins they have to rent here.  Mostly they are rented long term by people who work in the area.  That’s my RV on the far right.

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I am supposed to be parked on the other side of the electric and water connection but it is impossible to get level there so I pull in on the other side.  The man in the trailer next door asked if I was angry at him.  I said no, I just come and go and hate to have to drive up on blocks to get level.

2009-12 008

The other problem is the water faucet.  As you can see it makes a fountain when turned on.  So I fill my fresh water tank and then disconnect until I need more water.  I mentioned this problem to the owners yesterday. They immediately decided to ask their resident handy man to check it real close when he turns it on.  That’s only fair as I got a face full of water the first time I turned it on.

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As you can see in the background of this picture, my neighbors across the way have quite a setup.  They have lots of birds in cages outside, wrapped in cloth covers.  I’m not sure why.  I have spoken to them but haven’t had to nerve to ask. 

Yesterday while visiting the Sandy and Dave, Sandy said she had been sick the day before.  Today I made a couple of very rushed trips to the bathroom.  Chicken soup for supper.   I’m sure I’ll feel better tomorrow.   Sure hope it’s nothing the dogs will catch. 


Monday, December 14, 2009

Another Nice Day

It was a bit foggy this morning but it burned off later in the morning.  We took our usual walks and since it was nice we met some of the other residents and chatted, mostly about dogs. 

I spent an hour or so visiting with the owners, Sandy and Dave.  I got an invitation to Christmas dinner which I graciously accepted.  They are super people who bought this place a few years ago and are a bit overwhelmed. 

Received a package from family which I will keep from opening until Christmas.  I am a bah-humbug sort of person.  Part of the reason I run away from home this time of year is due to the stress of the holidays.  That and the weather.  It is always who is having what where and who will be able to be there when and why not.  This way I do my own thing and noone has to worry about me. 

I'm about done with my second Vince Flynn novel.  I'll be ready for a slower paced book after this.  I think my nephew, Rich, would like this author.


Sunday, December 13, 2009

Beautiful Day

Since I mention the bad weather I have to talk about the day today. I sat outside in a lawn chair and read a book this afternoon. I had the dogs by me on leashes. Some preteen age girls came by and walked - more like ran - the dogs for me. They went and got a book about dogs and we looked at the different possibilities of breeds that Red might be. Two of the girls are the granddaughters of the owner and one was visiting here.
Yesterday morning I stepped away from the breakfast table for a moment and when I came back my hormone blocker pill was gone. I suspect Teddy as he is always worried about food and is quite bold about the table. I have been watching him for effects. He has been trying to eat grass all day yesterday and today. He has also been having dreams more than usual. Hmmmmm. I plan a trap for him. I carry alum powder as it stops bleeding if doggy toenails get cut too short. I plan to leave a cracker well powdered on the table, turn my back, and see who has a puckered mouth. I have used this before to stop a dog from killing birds in the back yard. Of course the assumption is that the dog is smart enough to learn from it.
No pictures today, I was too relaxed.


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Peacocks and Goats


Peacocks eating cheerios.  I haven’t seen the turkey yet.  Maybe she went back home.

Peacocks eating cheerios.

Four goats with spiky horns. 

Goats looking at dogs.

This is the path we walk several times a day.  The road is sand.  Those trees were about three feet tall in 2006 when I was here before.  Now they are at least 10 or 12 feet tall.  That little white thing on the left is a park bench.

Path in the pine trees.

This is a desperate way to open a can.  I do like canned peaches.  Sure glad I got a can opener.

can opened the hard way

It is raining today.  We got in our morning walk before it started but I think our noon and afternoon walks will be with a raincoat and boots.

My sister found a solution to using Windows Live Writer to upload the blog.  It had something to do with the pictures not having a place to go.  Every picture I have on this blog is at Picasa Web Albums.  Just had to make a new album on there for Windows Live Writer to use.  Sisters are great when they are younger and more patient to look up things for me.

One thing I had forgotten about Florida was how salt collects moisture from the humidity.  It clogs up the holes in the salt shaker. 


Friday, December 11, 2009

The picture problem is solved so look out. I had this all entered into Windows Live Writer but it wouldn't upload so I get to do it again. It kept giving me error 403 whatever that is. The local connection was down last night and just barely got back up this morning.
I made it to my tire/brake appointment on time yesterday in spite of not having an alarm clock. I set the old head alarm and made it fine.
The picture below was taken in GA when I had the spare tire put on. That dark spot under the missing wheels is brake fluid.

This picture is yesterday in a proper garage, Tire Mart of Lake City, FL. We arrived at 8:00 a.m. and they were working on it from 8:25 till 1:00. Their computer said a speed sensor in the back wheels was not working so they put a new one in. After a test drive didn't turn off the brake warning light they crawled under and found a wire that had been chewed by a rodent. I said @#$% squirrels as they replaced the wire. That finally fixed the problem. Since it wasn't the sensor they took out the new one and put the old one back in and marked the new one off my bill.
I can't say enough good about these guys, they were patient and polite and persistent, all the things you want in a garage. I do have a few things to say to Adventure RV in Springboro, OH as they told me everything was okay with the wiring under the RV.

They convinced me that nine year old tires, apparently the originals, were worse than worn out tires so I bought four new ones for the back. The front ones were replaced a three years ago in Texas.
After all that I groaned and paid the bill and headed home to take a nap and fix supper. That's meat loaf, carrots, over cooked broccoli, (I like it like that) and applesauce.

Tomorrow I may have pictures of goats and peacocks. WooHoo.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Run Around Day

Got to the drug store, Radio Shack, Walmart, two tire places, and the Dr's office.
Got my prescription at the drug store.
The picture problem was solved at Radio Shack, I bought another connection for the disk from the camera to go into. Now I should take some pictures, haven't been taking many due to the problem.
Walmart supplied everything from people food to dog food. The dog food rang up as $2.00 instead of $20.00, so they gave it to me for $18.00. They said they have a new man matching the prices with the bar codes on the items. I just couldn't keep my mouth shut about it - oh well, honesty is the best policy.
I have an appointment for tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m. (ouch) to get the brakes and tires looked at. The first place I stopped couldn't handle the RV and sent me to another place.
I got my Zometa at the Dr's office. This place is a lot smaller than the Dr I go to in Dayton. The man they called in at the same time they called me was telling the nurse about how he felt 2 days ago and yesterday morning and last night and this morning. They had him talk to the Dr. and he came back and sat down and said he would take his medicine. They used something to numb where they were using a needle on him. Never heard of that before.
It rained some on the way home and the wind was at it again. It's supposed to be nasty tomorrow.
The tire place told me to drop off the RV for a few days and they would get to it. I told them that if they couldn't get it done in one day I could just plug into their electricity and spend the night. That's when they picked the 8:00 a.m. time so I couldn't say no. I hate it when I get caught like that.
The dogs were walked at the campground, the drug store, Walmart, and the Dr's office as well as when we got back to the campground. Are they spoiled or what.

Finished reading The Shack. It's a good book but very intense to read. I've started on another Vince Flynn book now.


Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I know I'm taking pills to block my hormones but I still have a sense of humor. I ate lots of Dove chocolate today. Two of the fortunes were the same- "Don't stress - think, and this too shall pass." (See posting for Nov. 25) One of the other ones was "Celebrate the small victories in your life."

Teddy got a trimming today. I found several burrs embedded in his fur. He lost most of the plumes on his legs and feet and part of his mustache. He is very patient about the grooming sessions unless I pull too hard. I think I took about a pound of hair off him. Red got a burr in her foot on our evening walk. She finally stopped and laid down and let me get it out. She is very independent and slow to trust anyone or anything.

Just another day in no TV or phone paradise. Tomorrow will be busy with shopping and Dr's appointment. Since I'll be moving the RV anyway I will take the opportunity to dump the waste tanks.

Chatted online with my niece last night. She is a guard in a Federal prison now and worked her first shift this week. She can handle it, good for her.

I have subscribed to the Obama joke of the day. If anyone else is interested let me know. Nothing like a chuckle to end the day.


Monday, December 7, 2009

Monday, Dec. 7, Pearl Harbor Day

This is starting to sound like a weather report. The sun was out most of the day but our 4:30 walk turned into a run in the rain. Good exercise.

I worked on washing the RV today. I used my window washer with the extension handle. The front above the windshield got scrubbed and dripped down onto the clean hood. Duh. The driver side got it and most of the back and a bit of the passenger side. I know, I caused the rain again. At least the rain that drips down now is not leaving brown streaks.

The problem with downloading my pictures has been diagnosed with a little advise from the computer guru. It is the drive I put the camera disk into that is malfunctioning. I just got that last spring. The computer sees the drive but can't see that there is a disk in it. So we have another errand added to the list - a computer store.

I researched a place to get the brakes and tires looked at. I posted on the local craigslist and asked for someone to advise me. We will see if I get any responses. I couldn't post in the automotive section as they required phone confirmation, guess it's for businesses. So I posted in rants and raves. Northern Florida must be a pretty contented place as there are very few rants on there.

Time to feed to beasts ----


Sunday, December 6, 2009

Another Lazy Day - No Rain

Didn't get properly dressed until about noon. I sleep in a sweat suit so that is still appropriate for an early morning walk with the dogs. The only accomplishments today were washing dishes and a load of laundry. There is a combination lock on the laundry room so I had to ask for the numbers. There is one washer and one dryer, non-commercial type. You put a dollar in the box each time you use a machine.

I took a nice long nap this afternoon. Tomorrow I have to get organized.

I'm reading a book called The Shack by William P. Young that my sister sent me. I can only read so much of it at a time as it takes some absorbing. On the cover it is compared to Pilgrim's Progress. Do I get credit for having read that book when I finish The Shack? It's a very deep book and well worth reading.

Tomorrow it's supposed to be in the 70's so I look forward to that. Maybe I'll get one thing done or possibly even two.


Saturday, December 5, 2009


See I even know what day of the week it is - doesn't matter that I had to check the Internet to find out. The sun came out this afternoon and that helped a lot. Our morning walk was taken while wearing a raincoat and boots. It's supposed to be in the 70's next week. Yeah!

On our walk this evening we ran into the owner, Sandy, and her rottweiler, Baby Girl, at the back of the pine trees. Baby Girl was not on a leash and came running toward us with her hackles up. I dropped three leashes and backed away from the possible frey. Red was the only possible problem. She growled and I did the dog whisperer thing and Sandy called Baby Girl and it was over. Whew.

When we got back to the RV we found a 3 foot snake skin on the ground. Someone said it was from a racer snake and they aren't poisonous. They took it to play a joke on someone. Ha Ha.

I bought some generic cheerios and found them to be lacking so I fed some to the peacocks this morning. They gobbled them up. Peacocks make strange noises, like a hoot. I don't think they can be very smart, their heads are so small. I may try the not-cheerios on the goats next.

I have a lead on a computer whiz, I just need to corner him now. Maybe tomorrow. I also found the washer and dryer so that is another project underway soon. Also need to dump and where I am parked I can't quite reach the dump spot so there is another short move in the works.

Lots to do just existing while run away from home.


Friday, December 4, 2009

Rainy Lazy Day

We dodged raindrops for two short walks today. It seemed cold until I looked at the temperature back home. It has been in the 50's here today, no wind, and pretty steady rain.
I didn't want to get out of my nest this morning so the two smaller dogs got the big dog after me and I was soon up.
I have played on the computer and spent a good while trying to figure out why my computer can't see the camera disk. I downloaded Kodak's Easyshare, I have asked the help feature, I have even said a few harsh words -- all for no success. The computer makes a little noise when I plug in the disk so it knows it is there but I can't get it to look at it. I need a computer guru. If it stops raining tomorrow I'll ask around the campground.
I know I washed part of the RV yesterday but it really didn't need to rain ALL day.


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Lazy Day

The sun struggled to get this morning and finally made it, a bit weak, but out.
Since we are parked a different direction the dogs are confused. They sniffed everything as if they had never been here before. I could see where the rain had washed the sandy roads and we made new tracks in them.

I did get the energy to take a dishpan of water and a rag and wash one layer of dirt off the truck part of the RV. Saw where something had chipped the paint in a couple of spots. I know I had some touch up paint but can't find it now.

More walks and a nap - this is the life. Going to have to find a brake/tire dealer sometime soon. The brake light still comes on. The most disturbing part is the exclamation point under the word "brake", and the red color isn't reassuring either. Maybe I'll ask the owners of the campground for a name of a good dealer.
It's supposed to be chilly tonight. I might have to turn on the furnace.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Florida Rain

Somehow there is no rain storm quite like they have in Florida.  It comes down in buckets and there is no where for it to go.  Luckily we  were back to the campground before it hit.  While at the Dr’s office I heard them say we were under a tornado watch and kids had been sent home from school.  The wind was bad on the way home.

I was surprised that I liked the doctor today, a Dr. Khan, who doesn’t appear to be from India.  Built like a fire plug and he even has a slight sense of humor.  He said they have a machine that can do both the CAT and PET scans together.  I think he was trying to drum up business. 

I  located a CVS pharmacy and made sure I could get my prescription filled next week when I go for the Zometa. 

While I was in civilization I used my cell phone to make a reservation for next month at another campground that has cable TV and WIFI.

And most important of all, I got a can opener! 

When I got back to the campground I pulled in on the other side of my electric box instead of backing in.  I have to back in or out, it doesn’t really matter which to me.  Now I am almost perfectly level which feels much better when walking around inside. 

All in all a very productive day.

My thermometer that tells the outside temperature is in a state of rebellion, sometimes it works but not always. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Always Something

There is always something, isn't there? Whether it's a house or a car or an RV - or a computer. My laptop cannot seem to see my camera memory card, so no pictures can be downloaded.

We have been doing a lot of walking and reading. There is no TV and no phone, and very difficult to get level, just the internet and books and rest. Really a nice change for a while. I think one month will be enough. There is another campground nearby that offers cable TV and free internet for just a bit more a month. So next month we will move.

There is a pine forest, planted in rows at the back of the campground and we walk thru that every morning and afternoon. There are peacocks wandering around. They tell me to male disappeared for a while and came back with a lady turkey. They expect a batch of either peakeys or turcocks any day now. That should be interesting.

There are also four goats in a nice big fenced area. The dogs are in awe of them and do not bark at them. The goats are in awe of the dogs also and retreat to stand on top of a sand heap when we visit.

Tomorrow we go to meet the doctor here. I also want to find the drug store and let them know I will be wanting my prescription next week. The doctors office sent me a bunch of papers to fill out. Mostly the papers are about money. I have some questions about that and should get the answers tomorrow.

My aged and well used can opener quit working. I opened a can with a bottle opener, very jagged edges but it worked. I'll try to find a new one tomorrow - there is a Walmart here too.
