A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Always Something

There is always something, isn't there? Whether it's a house or a car or an RV - or a computer. My laptop cannot seem to see my camera memory card, so no pictures can be downloaded.

We have been doing a lot of walking and reading. There is no TV and no phone, and very difficult to get level, just the internet and books and rest. Really a nice change for a while. I think one month will be enough. There is another campground nearby that offers cable TV and free internet for just a bit more a month. So next month we will move.

There is a pine forest, planted in rows at the back of the campground and we walk thru that every morning and afternoon. There are peacocks wandering around. They tell me to male disappeared for a while and came back with a lady turkey. They expect a batch of either peakeys or turcocks any day now. That should be interesting.

There are also four goats in a nice big fenced area. The dogs are in awe of them and do not bark at them. The goats are in awe of the dogs also and retreat to stand on top of a sand heap when we visit.

Tomorrow we go to meet the doctor here. I also want to find the drug store and let them know I will be wanting my prescription next week. The doctors office sent me a bunch of papers to fill out. Mostly the papers are about money. I have some questions about that and should get the answers tomorrow.

My aged and well used can opener quit working. I opened a can with a bottle opener, very jagged edges but it worked. I'll try to find a new one tomorrow - there is a Walmart here too.


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