A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Day After

The internet is down this morning so I will start this on Windows Live Writer.  The spell check on this program is different.  As you type, if it thinks your word is misspelled, it underlines it with a squiggly red line.   It doesn’t make any suggestions and  it always underlines contractions – like doesn’t until you put on the final t.

Chilly morning today and the place is very quiet.  I guess all the excitement of Christmas is over.  Even the dogs are kind of laid back. 

Okay, I’ve been chatting with real people who live here  and they tell me that periodically the owner turns off the internet and this is one of those times.  He has said he will turn it back on tonight at 8:00.   Too many people were downloading;   maybe he was too nice yesterday and had to make up for it today; maybe Santa didn’t bring him what he wanted for Christmas.   I have been in campgrounds before when the internet didn’t always work but it was because of a technical problem, not someone’s temper tantrum.  I’m looking forward to next Tuesday when I move to a different campground.

I am not without resources.  I called my daughter and asked her to call the owner to tell him she is worried about me since she has normally heard from me thru the internet by this time of day.  It is now 8:15.  We will see if that has any results.  If I stand outside and hold onto the barbed wire fence I can get minimal cell phone service. 

9:37 p.m.

I just got back from the office to ask about the internet service.  He, Dave Dunn, admitted he had turned it off and it would only be on from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. 

I used their phone to call my daughter to emphasize me need for the internet.  This is stupid.   I did get him to turn it on --

This is a rant ---- sorry.


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