A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Another beautiful day today but it’s going to be Florida’s version of cold tomorrow, high 68. 

The picture below shows one of the cabins they have to rent here.  Mostly they are rented long term by people who work in the area.  That’s my RV on the far right.

2009-12 007

I am supposed to be parked on the other side of the electric and water connection but it is impossible to get level there so I pull in on the other side.  The man in the trailer next door asked if I was angry at him.  I said no, I just come and go and hate to have to drive up on blocks to get level.

2009-12 008

The other problem is the water faucet.  As you can see it makes a fountain when turned on.  So I fill my fresh water tank and then disconnect until I need more water.  I mentioned this problem to the owners yesterday. They immediately decided to ask their resident handy man to check it real close when he turns it on.  That’s only fair as I got a face full of water the first time I turned it on.

2009-12 009

As you can see in the background of this picture, my neighbors across the way have quite a setup.  They have lots of birds in cages outside, wrapped in cloth covers.  I’m not sure why.  I have spoken to them but haven’t had to nerve to ask. 

Yesterday while visiting the Sandy and Dave, Sandy said she had been sick the day before.  Today I made a couple of very rushed trips to the bathroom.  Chicken soup for supper.   I’m sure I’ll feel better tomorrow.   Sure hope it’s nothing the dogs will catch. 


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