A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

People and Dogs

Nothing much today.  I did laundry and chatted with a very nice gentleman.  It turns out Sandy had wanted me to meet him.  I hate it when people try to fix other people up with other people who don’t want to be fixed up.   Anyway, we chatted.  He has had an interesting life, lived in Key West for several years and raised birds, etc. 

A few evenings ago Teddy laid at my feet, under the table and whimpered and cried.  So I got him out and inspected him and found he had an ear infection.  He has had this before and I still have the medicine.  It involves pulling out some hair for visibility, cleaning out his ear with Q-tips, and putting a few drops of medicine in the ear.  This takes some time as he squirms, it must hurt.  After two evenings of this extra attention, Red got under the table and started whimpering.  Now she does not get ear infections.   I got her out and gave her some attention anyway.  She is a pretty good faker.  I tried not to make it too much fun for her.   Animals are great entertainment.


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