A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Beautiful Day

Since I mention the bad weather I have to talk about the day today. I sat outside in a lawn chair and read a book this afternoon. I had the dogs by me on leashes. Some preteen age girls came by and walked - more like ran - the dogs for me. They went and got a book about dogs and we looked at the different possibilities of breeds that Red might be. Two of the girls are the granddaughters of the owner and one was visiting here.
Yesterday morning I stepped away from the breakfast table for a moment and when I came back my hormone blocker pill was gone. I suspect Teddy as he is always worried about food and is quite bold about the table. I have been watching him for effects. He has been trying to eat grass all day yesterday and today. He has also been having dreams more than usual. Hmmmmm. I plan a trap for him. I carry alum powder as it stops bleeding if doggy toenails get cut too short. I plan to leave a cracker well powdered on the table, turn my back, and see who has a puckered mouth. I have used this before to stop a dog from killing birds in the back yard. Of course the assumption is that the dog is smart enough to learn from it.
No pictures today, I was too relaxed.


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