A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Saturday, December 5, 2009


See I even know what day of the week it is - doesn't matter that I had to check the Internet to find out. The sun came out this afternoon and that helped a lot. Our morning walk was taken while wearing a raincoat and boots. It's supposed to be in the 70's next week. Yeah!

On our walk this evening we ran into the owner, Sandy, and her rottweiler, Baby Girl, at the back of the pine trees. Baby Girl was not on a leash and came running toward us with her hackles up. I dropped three leashes and backed away from the possible frey. Red was the only possible problem. She growled and I did the dog whisperer thing and Sandy called Baby Girl and it was over. Whew.

When we got back to the RV we found a 3 foot snake skin on the ground. Someone said it was from a racer snake and they aren't poisonous. They took it to play a joke on someone. Ha Ha.

I bought some generic cheerios and found them to be lacking so I fed some to the peacocks this morning. They gobbled them up. Peacocks make strange noises, like a hoot. I don't think they can be very smart, their heads are so small. I may try the not-cheerios on the goats next.

I have a lead on a computer whiz, I just need to corner him now. Maybe tomorrow. I also found the washer and dryer so that is another project underway soon. Also need to dump and where I am parked I can't quite reach the dump spot so there is another short move in the works.

Lots to do just existing while run away from home.


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