A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Another warm pleasant day today. Lots of dog walks. Scoobie had a bad evening last night. He had a stomach ache from that pecan he ate. He couldn't find a comfortable position and kept wanting to go outside where he tried to eat grass. I finally gave him an aspirin and a small treat and that seemed to help as he settled down for the night. Today there was a very bad odor being ejected from someone (not me) and I suspect it was Scoobie. Tonight he ate his supper. None of this being sick slowed him down one bit on the walks. He still keeps trying to get ahead of everyone and sniff everything first, then mark on it while Red is sniffing it. She doesn't learn very fast either.

Toto caught on real quick about no going potty in the RV but he has been trying to hide the fact that he goes at all, even outside. Yesterday I managed to catch him peeing and praised him a great deal (something like a Mardi Gras party). Today he went proudly and wanted more praise. This is working. I had to go through the same thing with Silly years ago. She still wants praise when she goes.

I called the local post office today, they had no mail for me. I called Ohio Dept. of Transportation. They have received my license plate sticker back and will resend it Friday. Why not till Friday I do not know. It should get here the middle of next week. We will see.

Tomorrow has got to be laundry and grocery day. If I wait long enough there is no decision to be made.

This evening I got energetic and made some pecan pancakes. Had scrambled eggs and pancakes for supper. Now I have a stash of pancakes for other days.

It is starting the sprinkle. We are supposed to get thunder storms tonight and be cooler tomorrow. A good day to spend at the laundromat reading a who-done-it book.

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