A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Texas Trade Days

Now that's a hood ornament.
All set up and ready to go. If you look closely you can see Silly in the passenger window.

This is my bungie-jug-hold-down contraption. It worked yesterday. Today I didn't need it.

This poor little guy didn't feel good but they brought him anyway. Being a super salesperson I sold them a neck pillow for him. Relatively speaking this was another good day. The weather was beautiful and the people came. That is relative to days when it is cold and nasty out. My paper back books are really down. I need to find a thrift store to resupply them.

I am worn out and the dogs are pretty stressed. One of them threw up on a throw rug in the RV. I don't know who. I did take them out one at a time and let them sit with me for a while. Everytime I took a different dog out Toto managed to get out and plaster himself to the ground in hopes of staying out. Luckily he is small enough I can pick him up and put him back inside. He got his turn but that is all. They may get a longer night time walk as the 5:00 walk was short. The parking area where I walk them was still full of cars. I closed up anyway as I hadn't made a sale in an hour or so. Tomorrow is another day.

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