A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Last night I had a potato with margarine on it – and a hotdog with mustard, had to include the old favorite applesauce.  My stomach wasn’t very upset this morning, just a little.  Of course, it could have been the snacks I ate also.

My new mattress came yesterday so I got busy washing all the bedding so I could start completely fresh.  There was a slight musty smell on the old mattress.  Either that or my nose has gotten very picky.  I don’t even know how old that mattress was, at least 15 years old, and it was once stored in someone’s basement.  I bought the cheapest one they had.  Anyone who can sleep on an RV couch folded down into a bed with a big crack in the middle is not a picky sleeper.  Sitting down can be dangerous for falling asleep sometimes. 

No matter that it is now a full size bed – Teddy wants to sleep touching me.  Sometimes his head is draped over my neck so his snoring is right in my ear.  Other times he lays across my legs.  

The truck that delivered the mattress made a good path into my driveway.  First they pulled in, then they backed out turned around and backed into the driveway.  They still had to wade thru snow. 

My blood has thickened up some since I got back from Florida.  It doesn’t take long.  I don’t mind the cold so much as I did at first.


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