A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

No Nap

Tried to take a nap this afternoon.  The phone rang time after time until I finally gave up.  I called the doctor’s office this morning to explain that I would NOT be taking any more of those pills so they called back.  They are moving up the CAT and PET scans to next week.  That was another call from Jason.  He makes the appointments for tests etc.  He has a sense of humor and a lot of piercings and big plugs in his ears but I like him anyway.

Then the RV place called to tell me to stop by so they could explain about how the roof is leaking and needs to be sealed.   If they think I am climbing up on that roof to verify their info they can get another think coming.  I’ll just have to take their word for it.  Maybe I’ll take my camera over and have them take a picture.

The first call was my brother and we talked for an hour about health and politics. 

I am in a little better mood this afternoon than I was last night, being able to stay out of the bathroom for a few hours can do that for me.  It seems the doctors don’t have patience either – since they moved up my tests.  It just occurred to me that those pills weren’t doing any good as they never stayed in my system long enough.  So that means I have been off hormone blockers for a long time. 

The last and final interruption was my daughter who dropped by some of my mail she had forgotten to give me.  So now I am no longer in the mood for a nap.  I’ll sleep good tonight.


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