A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Tuesday – mud mud mud.  I had to speak harshly to two dogs who spent some time outside visiting up and down the fence with the neighbor dog.  They were dismayed that I took offense at the total muddy balls that were dog feet they brought in the kitchen.  They had to lay down and let me dunk their feet in a dishpan of old dishwater, still warm, and remove chunks of mud from between their toes.  They are ignoring me for a while, which isn’t a bad thing.  They can do some bonding.

The garage called my cell phone and left a message at 2:00 this afternoon to tell me the car was ready to be picked up. My cell phone doesn’t get a good connection here at home, so I leave it turned off or it runs out of power while searching for a signal.   So I patiently waited until 5:00 to call them about my car.  They were ready to close up at that point.  They will come and get me in the morning so I can pay them and pick up my car. 

Wednesday – Got my car back first thing this morning.  Locked the house when I left but when I got back I didn’t have the key.  So I drove back to the garage and looked for it but no luck.  So it was very lucky that I had neglected to lock the back door this morning when I let the dogs out and in. 

Then I quickly got ready and left for my doctor’s appointment.  It was good to see familiar faces at that office.  The doctor wants me to try again with the aromasin under more controlled circumstances so here we go again.   I had lost 10 lbs. since my last visit so they reduced the amount of zometa I get.  The nurse says that will not go back up even if I gain weight, I don’t know why, they have their rules and statistics.  There are several other options of hormone blocking drugs.  If they all fail they will try chemotherapy.

I stopped at the grocery store on the way home and by then it was 12:30 so I picked up a few extras, being a little hungry.  That is good for me.  I hate to grocery shop so hunger makes it easier.

When I got home there was a message that they had found my house key in the parking lot of the garage.  Yeah!

I am putting the dogs on leash and walking them in the back yard avoiding the  muddy spots.  Poor Teddy runs out to check the car every time he gets a chance.  That’s how Red left.  Maybe I should bring her cage back inside from the front porch so he can get a better idea that she isn’t coming back.  I would have brought her body home and buried her here but the ground is too frozen for digging.  That way the other dogs could have satisfied their curiosity and maybe dealt with it better.

Thursday  8:30 a.m.  It was at least 7:00 p.m. yesterday before the pill started making me sick. Right back to everything out of me and 2 trips to the bathroom in the night (1 in a complete sweat from a hot flush) and another first thing this morning.  Back to the BRAT diet – NO more pills for me.  I’m just drinking gator aid this morning. 

I would like to know how much you readers really want to hear.  I don’t enjoy writing about diarrhea.   Do you want reality?  This morning I am pretty discouraged and tired and shaky but I’m sure I’ll feel better soon.  I get more scans in early March so I won’t know if the cancer has spread until at least the middle of March.  Patience is a virtue.


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