A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Voting Day

Okay – I messed up.  My Dad’s birthday is December 1st, not November 1st.  So it must have been just the first day of the month was a better birthday than the last day of the month, nothing to do with Halloween. 

It made a good story and the decision to use the 1st of the month part is true.  I think I even sent him a birthday card a month early one year.  So it’s not a new mess up for me.

I also forgot to put out the trash on Monday night.  Didn’t have much anyway so it can wait till next week. 

There was a second plumber here Monday evening giving another estimate on the new bathtub.  He thinks I should get a tub size shower with a very low side.   I think that’s what I will do.  He is giving me a written estimate which is good rather than a ball park verbal figure.  Plus this plumber has a young family to support and the other guy was retired.

Went to vote this morning.  It was a new polling place and a lot more people were there.  I was number 80 at 10:30 a.m.  That’s just for my precinct.  There were 5 different precincts voting at that one place.  I still only had to wait for a couple of minutes.

Now this evening there will be hours and hours of voting returns and rehash of what it means.  I have a couple of movies that Lory loaned me.  Maybe I’ll watch disturbia and Benjamin Button instead of watch TV.  

Lory had to show me again how to work the DVD player.  I guess I’m not a very modern person. 


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