A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Fbg., TX Saturday

The bad luck theory about a black cat crossing your path has been disproved. This cat walked in front of the RV yesterday afternoon but nothing bad happened.

The dinner out proved to be a big success. From left to right: Mark, Sue, Pat, Richard, Bob, Linda, and me. Everyone else ordered German food. I had catfish. It was very good.

Bob took a lot of teasing about his blog (http://www.because-we-can.net/) and all the food he talks about on it. There also seems to be a toilet papering of an RV incident in the past between Richard and Bob. After dinner we went to see Richard and Pat's new RV and also visited Mark and Sue's 5th wheel. They are on their way too Quartzite, Arizona. There is a big gathering of RV's there in the desert this time of year.

I got ambitious today and washed the RV, all but the driver's side. It was very windy and I just took off the first layer with plain water. I could tell where I had waxed it last year. I have not waxed the part that had to be replaced.

It's supposed to be in the 30's tonight, sounds like a 2 dog night.

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