A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Dog Ramp

The dog ramp arrived.  I laid it on the floor across a doorway.  The dogs walked over it.  I put it on a small step from the mud room into the kitchen and body blocked the rest of the door.  Bandit went up it fine but I had to force Teddy to use it.  I will leave it there for a while to let them get used to it.  It is a bit shorter than I had pictured so it will be pretty steep when propped against the car.  But if it was very much longer it wouldn’t be convenient to carry along in the car.

2010-09 001

It was 6:00 before I got home tonight.  The dogs are usually fed by 5:00.  They decided to feed themselves by pulling the dog food bin out of the corner and opening it.  It must have barely happened when I got home as they hadn’t dumped it all out yet. 

I wonder if picky Bandit would have eaten the dry food without chicken broth on it?  I’m sure it was Bandit who did it as Teddy has never done that on his own.

My itchiness is not shingles.  The meds prescribed didn’t work plus it is now starting on my left ankle.  Shingles would be only on one side.  

I called the oncologist office today.  I asked if it was possible that a medicine I have been getting since Feb. could be causing this rash.   You would think it would have shown up sooner than this if it was going to cause a rash/hives.

I have a regularly scheduled appointment with the oncologist on Wednesday so they can look at it and maybe give me some ideas about what to do besides scratch. 

I’ll try not to scratch….


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