A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thursday Rad # 14

Went for my regular monthly visit to the oncologist.  Got a shot of faslodex and a blood test.   Had a time gap between that appointment and the radiation appointment so I stopped at the dog food store and the health food store.  Spent about the same amount of money at each place.

I have an appointment with a dermatologist tomorrow to try for a diagnosis of my rash.  It has started on my face now and a spot on my back and arm.  Enough is enough.

The weather has taken a chilly turn.  The new windows make a big difference.  Maybe I’ll miss hearing them rattle when it is windy – no I don’t think I’ll miss that.  I expect my power bill to go down some.  Since I’m on level billing it may take a while for them to catch on that I am using less gas and electricity.

We have a a little rain but not enough to really break the drought.  The corn is being picked early since it has been so dry.  The weather man said we were 6 inches low on rainfall for the year.  Hope it doesn’t make up for that with snow.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Lazy Tuesday Sept. 28

I read somewhere that Radiation treatments cause fatigue. 

HAH – so I have an excuse for being lazy now!  Which is what I did today.   Took a nap this morning and then had lunch.   Of course, being fatigued doesn’t get me out of feeding dogs and myself, and letting dogs in and out a few times. 

Bandit has developed the habit of scratching at the front door as soon as I hit the couch for a nap.   The only reason we go out the front door is to take a walk.  He knows that. 

He and Teddy are becoming good buddies.  Neither of them are much at playing, no chasing a ball or any such nonsense.  But Teddy now walks beside him outside and sniffs where Bandit sniffs.  

Bassetts are mainly short legged blood hounds so there is a lot of sniffing going on. 

Different solutions are being tried on the itch problem.  I’ll let you know if something works.


Monday, September 27, 2010

Dog Ramp

The dog ramp arrived.  I laid it on the floor across a doorway.  The dogs walked over it.  I put it on a small step from the mud room into the kitchen and body blocked the rest of the door.  Bandit went up it fine but I had to force Teddy to use it.  I will leave it there for a while to let them get used to it.  It is a bit shorter than I had pictured so it will be pretty steep when propped against the car.  But if it was very much longer it wouldn’t be convenient to carry along in the car.

2010-09 001

It was 6:00 before I got home tonight.  The dogs are usually fed by 5:00.  They decided to feed themselves by pulling the dog food bin out of the corner and opening it.  It must have barely happened when I got home as they hadn’t dumped it all out yet. 

I wonder if picky Bandit would have eaten the dry food without chicken broth on it?  I’m sure it was Bandit who did it as Teddy has never done that on his own.

My itchiness is not shingles.  The meds prescribed didn’t work plus it is now starting on my left ankle.  Shingles would be only on one side.  

I called the oncologist office today.  I asked if it was possible that a medicine I have been getting since Feb. could be causing this rash.   You would think it would have shown up sooner than this if it was going to cause a rash/hives.

I have a regularly scheduled appointment with the oncologist on Wednesday so they can look at it and maybe give me some ideas about what to do besides scratch. 

I’ll try not to scratch….


Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday Sept. 24, 2010

Went garage sale shopping with Lory this morning.  She did very well by finding a microwave for $1.00 and a couple of boxes of craft supplies for $4.00.   Candle making is in her future.  Candle gifts are in my future.  Yeah! 

I found a 1 foot fake Christmas tree for 50 cents in preparation for the holiday season.   We are big spenders.  Then we had lunch with Susan at Subway.  Both my kids for lunch, what a treat.

Radiation treatment # 10 was fast, nothing new there. 

Continuation of yesterday’s ramble - 

When my kids had chicken pox the pediatrician prescribed something to help with the itch.  I think it was just bendryl 20 mg.  This was in the 1970’s. 

I had some left over and hadn’t thrown it out.

A few months later a friend of mine was visiting with her little girl.  The little girl got stung by hornets in the backyard. 

The hornets nest was in the ground and my husband had tried to burn them out by pouring gasoline down their hole and setting it on fire.  That caused a lot of black smoke which brought the fire department who put out the fire. 

So the hornets were still there and that little girl had never been stung before and was allergic to the sting.   Her eyelids puffed up like balloons and she was having trouble even crying.

I was afraid to give her a whole capsule of the left over meds, she was really small.  So I opened a capsule and dumped half the powder into a teaspoon and covered it with applesauce.  She spit it out so I used the other half of the powder and more applesauce and she swallowed it down that time.

While I was doing that her Mother was calling the doctor’s office.  We rushed her to their office and they administrated 60 mg of the same stuff in the capsule.  They said we had saved her life by giving her the part of a capsule of meds.  WOW 

And they say never to keep old prescriptions and never give them to someone they weren’t prescribed for.  We had to tell them about taking the capsule apart as it didn’t come in 10 mg amounts.

That little girl went through a series of shots to prevent the bee sting allergy and they worked.  The next time she got stung was years later when she was in a parade as a Brownie (junior Girl Scout).  She refused to get out of the parade and her poor Mother had to run alongside the parade to make sure she was okay.

It is amazing what parents do to take care of their children, even break rules.


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thursday 9/23/10 Rad # 9

The radiation count goes up to 20 so get used to it.  Saw the doctor today.  He is reading this blog so I have to be nice.  He commented on yesterday’s post.  

This morning I woke up scratching.  The first thought was bedbugs since they are all over the news around here.  These bumps didn’t look like bites but more like blisters.  My second thought was shingles.

I’ve had an itchy bump on my neck for about a week, then one on my arm, now several on my side.  All on the right side.  So I called my GP doctor and made an appointment.  She worked me in at noontime. 

She gave me a prescription for Valacyclovir hcl 1.  One tablet every 8 hours for a week.  If it is shingles this should help, if it isn’t shingles it won’t hurt.   I started them at 3:00 so I can take one at 11:00 and again at 7:00 in the morning and get a nights sleep.

---Ramble Warning---

You can get shingles if you ever had chicken pox.  I had chicken pox at about age 5.  I remember being tied down in bed at night with socks over my hands to try to keep me from scratching.

My children all had chicken pox when two of them were in school and one still at home.  The one at home had it the worst.  The doctor explained that her exposure was longer than just at school.  She had spots inside her eyelids and down in her ears.  She had shingles a few years ago.

A boy I baby-sat had them and only had about 6 spots but he felt very bad and acted up which he hardly ever did.  

I baby-sat him in exchange for Ballet lessons for my girls.  He was the ballet teacher’s son.  I tricked him and my son into going to ballet one year, they were about 8 or 9 years old.  I told them it was going to be exercise class.  They stayed in that year and performed in the end of the year program but after that they wouldn’t go. 

They were more interested in ice skating and hockey than dancing.   Can’t say I blame them. 

Okay – enough ramble.


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wednesday – 9/22/2010

My baby sister sent me a link to an explanation about radiation burns.   Apparently the radiation slows down or even stops the skin from replacing itself.  So it is not like a heat burn, it just means the skin is getting thinner. 

So I am thin skinned.  Don’t mess with me.

We got much needed rain this afternoon just as I was leaving for my treatment.  It came in buckets with wind.  It came too fast to run off the streets.  It needs to keep up a nice slow gentle rain all night to help. 

There happened to be an umbrella in the car which kept me fairly dry.  I even remembered to bring it home.   I have been the umbrella distributer in the past, leaving them wherever I went.

I don’t mind being a bit early for my appointments.  I like to chat with the other people who are there waiting for their treatments.  Some in wheel chairs, some who come in an ambulance, some in robes who apparently are in the hospital, and some like me, just coming from home. 

There is a screen on the machine that delivers the radiation.  It shows a pattern of the radiation that I am getting.  It changes if the treatment is for the front or the back.   

The men’s knit long legged underwear is very comfortable.   Men should not get all the comfort.

Reading the ingredients in the gel they gave me yesterday it seems the main ingredient is aloe.  I have several plants of that.  They will finally come in handy.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Rad # 7

I don’t think anyone ever told me I had a hot butt.   If they did it was a very long time ago.  But I am here to tell you that my butt is hot, it is even a bit pink.  

The decision has been made to wear sweat pants, old soft sweat pants, maybe with no underwear.  Elastic in underwear on a pink butt is not comfortable.  

The thrift store is a good source of this clothing item.   I found several pairs of pre softened sweat pants there.  Then I had another thought and stopped at the Family Dollar store nearby.  I bought 2 pair of men’s long legged underwear.  I’m not sure what they are called but they sure are comfortable.  I think I would feel very strange with no underwear.

The girls at the hospital also gave me a tube of Radia Gel.   They said the worst spots are where there are creases in your skin.  I had already figured that out.

DOGS – I wanted to get a video and recording of the way Bandit greets me when I come home but the sight of the camera made him shut right up – until I turned it off – then he started barking again.  

I love to hear him bark but he only does it when he wants in from the backyard or when I come home.   We tried howling at an almost full moon last night, well I tried.  No one would join me.


Monday, September 20, 2010


Today is run around day which includes the gas station, post office, grocery store, and drug store.  This time I went to the Walgreen’s drug store and got my flu shot.  

My radiation is at a later hour today and tomorrow, then the appointment stays the same for the rest of the treatments.   It seems like they kind of fitted me into the schedule.

When I got home from the running around this morning Bandit was looking out the window where I put the stool for him to put his front feet on.

Yesterday I gave both dogs a bath.  Teddy was first so that Bandit could watch and see what was going to happen.  Neither dog was thrilled with the idea but took it in stride.  Bandit was the dirtiest, brown water ran down the drain at first. 

They went outside as best friends, ignoring that human who washes dogs.  They immediately  rolled in the grass.   That’s okay as I have lots of water and dog shampoo.

The hospital was behind a bit on the radiation as the machine had been down.  Apparently they normally have 2 machines but one has been down for some time.  When the only working one goes down it really balls things up. 

Then I was supposed to see the doctor afterward.  I saw a nurse instead which was fine as I really had no complaints.

My skin is a little pink right after the treatment.  I’ve heard it can become like a burn eventually.  There are side effects to everything.


Saturday, September 18, 2010


Time Warner came, investigated, and fixed.  The cellar in this house is easy, just don’t stand up real fast if you are tall.  All the wiring and plumbing is above your head.  He found a wire that had gotten wet at some point and corroded.  I now have phone service.  Yeah!

Had a lovely nap this afternoon.  Last night I looked on ebay for a ramp for getting Bandit in and out of the car.  The little picture below is the one I bid on and got.  At $31.00 including shipping I didn’t think I could do better anywhere else.  Certainly couldn’t make it for that.

Item picture

It is hand made in the USA.  Now lets just hope it works and he will use it.  He is getting to be more and more at home around here.  He barks to come in and scratches the door to go out.   He asks for attention, the belly is a favorite.

Both dogs spent last night in their cages.  Teddy couldn’t settle down and let me get Bandit into his cage.  He kept running into it first.  So I put him into his cage and left him there.  Not a peep from anyone all night.   Not even me.


Friday, September 17, 2010

Radiation Treatment # 5

Told you it would get boring.  Same old same old….

Yesterday I noticed some paperback books in the waiting room at the hospital.  I checked them out and found one that looked good, so I took it.  Today I took three paperbacks and left them in the waiting room.  Fair is fair.

After the treatment I stopped by the Butter Street Barn (<—link) to visit with my dealer friends.  Halloween decor is happening.   A couple of items that Lory found while dumpster diving had sold.  She will be pleased.

DOGS – Last night Bandit spent the night peacefully in his new cage.  This picture was taken this morning while he took a nap after breakfast – inside his new cave.  Hard to see but that’s him.

2010-09 001

This evening I caught Teddy in the big cage rubbing his side against the bars.  Brat.  But then I noticed Bandit walked into Teddy’s cage and then backed out.  Kind of like Goldylocks, it was too small.  I also found a small stool to put by the window so Bandit can stand with his front feet on it and look out. 

The week-end without running to the hospital will be nice, except that the Crime Time Warner tech is coming Sat. morning.  Oh well, I’ll take a nap in the afternoon.


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Radiation Treatment #4

DOGS -  Bandit out in the yard, sniffing.

2010-09 001

Bandit ran away from having his ears cleaned.  The bathtub seemed a safe place for a while.   Well, maybe not – better get out.

2010-09 002

Dog cage in pieces below.

2010-09 003

Dog cage assembled.  Pretty proud of myself but I worked up quite a sweat getting it together.

2010-09 004

After getting it wiped down and put together I got into it myself.  Teddy joined me for a while.  Bandit waited until later to check it out.  I put a piece of wool blanket inside and he went in and rolled on the blanket.   We may have a solution to where he spends the night.

THINGS - I checked the motion detector lights after dark last night.  They are still not working.  Now to trouble shoot I will check the old bulbs, then go from there.  I suppose the motion detector could have worn out.

PEOPLE – Below is a picture of the radiation room and crew.  It’s pretty easy to tell which one is me.   If you will notice the round darker grey spot above the second from left lady’s head, there is a picture of it below.

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This is how that spot looks from my position when I am on the table.

2010-09 006

Pretty cheerful happy face.  Someone with a sense of humor designed that machine.  There are screws in the eyes so I think it is just a cover for some of the internal parts.

Today was one of those days when I dropped everything, the lid for the vitamins, the toothpaste lid, etc., and didn’t get organized very well.  I missed my appointment for my flu shot as I forgot to put my wallet with my medicare card in my purse.  The shots were from 2:00 to 3:00 and I walked into the house at 3:01.  Too late anyway. 

My Grandmother once said she had dropsy and heart trouble – she wanted to drop into a chair and didn’t have the heart to get up.  Sounds good to me.

Maybe I’ll be more organized….


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Radiation Treatment # 3

Told you it would get boring.

Today I was 15 minutes early, must have been a lot of green lights.   As it turned out the person who had the appointment before mine hadn’t shown up yet so they took me in early.

This time I looked up at the whir/hum thing and saw a really big smiley face.  The girls who run the machine said I could take pictures so I will do that tomorrow. 

A trip to Walmart was in order.  The bulb in the motion activated light on the garage had burned out so I found a replacement for that.

I also got to thinking about the amount of salt in the bouillon broth I have been using on the dry dog food.  So I found some reduced sodium bouillon cubes.   Probably the health food store has them without any salt.  That will be another shopping day.

I climbed a ladder to replace the light bulb and got yelled at by Susan (daughter).  I am not to climb ladders.  Oh well. 

She stopped by to bring me a large dog kennel/cage.  I had loaned it to her for when they got their puppy a couple of years ago.

I originally got it for a Great Dane so it really big.  Now I need to remember how to assemble it.  After I get that done Bandit probably won’t like it. 

He did well last night in the bathroom.  Maybe he just needs to get used to how things are, get a routine.  He loves meeting new people, but I get barked at.  Go figure.


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Radiation Treatment # 2

This is going to get boring you know.

I learned today that the treatment is both from the front and the back and detours around my bladder, for which I am grateful.

The tattoos (tiny black dots) on each side of my hips are lined up with a green light that goes all around the room, side to side.  The one on my belly is lined up with a red light that apparently comes from above.  That way they always hit the same spot.

So jump up on this narrow bed, get your feet tied down, pull down you pants, let them line  the tattoos up with the green and red lights and lay still.   Then this big round thing whirs and hums from above, then swings around underneath and whirs and hums again.  Pull up your pants, get your feet untied, go home.

It doesn’t take long but to get from my door to inside the hospital treatment room takes about 45 minutes.   I’m a chronically early person so some people could make that in 30 minutes.   It takes a chunk out of the day.

There are several errands that I have been putting off so I am trying to get them done while I am out.  Today I made an appointment at the drug store to get a flu shot on Thursday after the radiation.  That’s CVS for you.  Walgreen would have given it to me today but they aren’t on my way.

DOGS -  Bandit is either sick or is having trouble adjusting.  He has thrown up the last two nights.  He seems to want on the bed but won’t stay there and I don’t like him jumping down that far after I am asleep.  He seems to like a light on so I leave one on in the bathroom.  Last night I shut him in the bathroom so I wouldn’t have to search for the puddles and throw up all over the house.  Mean Bassett foster mother?  Maybe.   We will keep doing the bathroom at night thing and see if he gets used to it


Monday, September 13, 2010

Radiation Treatment # 1

They drew a box on the right side of my stomach clear down onto my leg.  Then an x-ray and verification that they had located exactly where they wanted to do the radiation.  Then they did it!  I felt a little heat deep in the bones of my right hip.  It actually felt good.

Next I got 3 tattoos on the 3 spots they had marked with X’s last Friday.   That was it for today.

So I treated myself to a new pair of shoes.  That’s what women do isn’t it?  That also means I need to go through my old shoes and get rid of some.

Took the dogs for a walk around a short block this morning.  Bandit is either a race horse or a very large rock.  If he is sniffing something he considers significant, large rock mode is in effect.  If he wants to get to something else to sniff, race horse mode works.

He got tired even though it is a very short block we walk around.  When we got home he went into puddle mode – flat out on the floor.

He is still having accidents when I am gone.  I think I need to get him a kennel (cage) for when I am gone.  He was kept in a kennel with just two 15 minute outings a day before I got him.   He may have had to go potty on the concrete floor.  I’m hoping we can solve this.  I’m going through a lot of paper towels and Nature’s Miracle.

We’ll see how things go


Saturday, September 11, 2010

September 11

What were you doing September 11, 2001?  Everyone remembers that day.  I do too.

I was on the phone with my daughter most of the morning.  We felt a connection and didn’t want to hang up.  It was horrifying, unbelievable, we cried together. 

The next day I was to watch her four year old son while she had an interview for a job.   He had seen the planes flying into the buildings and had been very upset by it.  He asked his mother to find a church because he wanted to pray about it.

They went to three churches before they found one unlocked.

When I was baby-sitting my grandson the next day we watched the replay of what had happened one time, then turned off the TV.  We discussed it quietly.  He concluded that we needed a superhero.  We discussed different ones, superman, batman etc.

We talked about how regular people could do super things sometimes.  I asked how we would know if someone were a superhero.  His answer was given with disdain, “he will have a cape!”

We talked about the president and he decided he would send his cape to the president.  His Mother helped him write a letter to go along with it.   Eventually he received a letter back from the White House.  Quite an accomplishment for a four year old.

Of course, then he needed a cape of his own.  A trip to a thrift store produced the material and Grandma sewed it up.  It had to come from a special place other than Grandma.  I think the return address was something like “The American Cape Company” and was delivered with the mail via his Mother.

His reactions helped me cope with the sorrow of that day.  Life had to go on and young people need to feel they can help in some way.

He is 13 years old now.  He probably doesn’t remember much about that time, but that’s okay, I and his Mother do.


Friday, September 10, 2010

CAT Scan

Today I went back to the hospital for an appointment for a CAT scan of my pelvis.   This was not the kind of CAT scan that required the IVP that I am allergic to, thank goodness.

My feet and legs were tied down with foam between them so I would hold still.  That’s a good thing as it is hard to hold your legs still when you are laying on your back.  It only took about 15 minutes.

When they got done with that they drew 3 “X’s”  and circled them and covered them with tape.  One on each side and one a bit to the right of  my lower belly.  I am not to wash them off.   They have a laser that will line up on those X’s so they hit the same spot each time with the radiation.  When they are sure the X’s are right they will tattoo the spots, I think.

I also was given appointments each day for the next 4 weeks.   After they are all done I may have smiley faces added to the tattoos.

They are very busy there.   Some of the appointments are at 6:00 p.m.   They had me scheduled for 9:00 p.m. but I objected since I really don’t like to drive at night anymore.  I can do it but I’m just not comfortable.  They changed those late ones for me.  Very nice of them.

The dogs were happy to see me come home.  Bandit did not bark at me this time when I came home.  He has been barking for a long time when I leave or return until today.  I think I detected some doggy “expletives deleted” in those barks.

We are supposed to get rain tomorrow.  I’m beginning to think the weather man is grasping at straws.  Trees are starting to turn color just a bit.  I’ll have to get some pictures.


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Radiation Treatment

The last time I talked to my oncologist (July 7) she suggested I could have some radiation treatments for the pain in my hip.  I hadn’t complained of pain in my hip but she had my test results so I guess she could see it. 

It’s the bone in your butt that you sit on, the ischial tuberosity<--- link.   It’s just a dull ache most of the time.   That is the first bone that the cancer moved to and it was biopsied in Sept. 2008. 

I thought about it for a few weeks and have decided to take advantage of the offer.  I called and an appointment with a radiologist was set up for today. 

This was a talk only appointment.  The doctor suggested 4 weeks of 5 days a week treatments.  The cancer is replacing my bones and leaving them weakened – like swiss cheese.  

The radiation will kill some or all of the cancer cells and then I can replace them with normal bone cells.   There are possible side effects which don’t sound like fun.  Everything has side effects.

The deciding factor for me was that this radiation treatment could help prevent my pelvis from breaking.  That doesn’t sound like fun.  Can they put your a$$ in a sling or cast?  I’d just as soon not have to find out.

So tomorrow I go for a CAT scan to identify exactly where the bones are.  I will get a couple of tiny tattoos (woohoo)  so they know where to do the treatment.  Maybe I can talk them into making those tattoos something decorative, like stars maybe.

Then next week I will start the treatments.  I hope they don’t mind seeing me in the same old clothes over and over.  I don’t have a big wardrobe, mostly jeans and t-shirts. 

I had a personal escort to show me where the proper parking spot for this treatment was.   That was after I went to the wrong entrance.  The right entrance happens to be where the trucks park when they deliver stuff to the hospital.  

I now have a parking pass hanging from my rear view mirror which will keep me from getting a ticket while parked there.   The officer took the ticket for today off my windshield when I showed him the pass.

The one thing I have noticed since all this started 2+ years ago is that everyone I have come in contact with has been cheerful and helpful and kind.  That includes the doctor I met with today. 

Bandit and Teddy will have to get used to being left for a short while each day.   Yesterday I went for  a walk to the post office with the dogs.  We happened to meet a woman walking 2 small poodles. 

Bandit snapped and snarled at one of the poodles.  I was not happy about it and let him know.  We may have to work on that some more.   I think he is just so happy to have  a “person” now that he gets worried about it being threatened.  Maybe he is just a grumpy old man.  Maybe I’ll become a grumpy old woman….


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Dog Adjustments

DOGS – Had my first experience with the Basset 500 this morning.  Bandit started racing around the house, grabbed a stuffed snoopy and carried it for a couple of rounds.  He came and offered it to me then grabbed it away and raced off.  He tried to involve Teddy but no luck. 

I was a little worried last night when he wouldn’t go outside for that last trip.  I put the leash on him and then we went out but I don’t think he did anything. 

There was a puddle on the bedroom floor this morning in spite of a 3:00 a.m. outing.  I use Nature’s Miracle to clean up.  It stops the odor – but maybe not from a long  Basset nose.

He is used to a doggy door and when I open the door for him to go out he likes to stick his head out and stand there.  That is not acceptable when the flies and mosquitoes are just waiting. 

A doggy door is not an option as I have a door from the kitchen to the laundry/mud room, then another door and storm door to the outside.  So he will have to adjust.

PEOPLE – Went grocery shopping and to the library today.  Books were due.  I had to renew one that I hadn’t finished reading.  Also picked up ink cartridges for my printer. 

We got a little much needed rain today.   May have to get the lawn mowed again one of these days.  Many lawns are brown.  The green ones are being watered daily. 


Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day

PEOPLE – my step-daughter and her husband visited Sun. afternoon.   We had a lot to catch up on since I haven’t seen them since I moved to this house in 2002. 

DOGS - The link below takes you to where Bandit is on the internet.


Bandit wouldn’t eat Sat. night or Sun. morning.  Garlic powder didn’t work.  So Sun. night I made some chicken bouillon and poured it over his dry food.  He is now eating.

He lays on the floor and groans now and then.  He really enjoyed a walk Sun.  morning.  When he found an interesting scent he took a while to move on.  When he thought there might be a scent ahead I had trouble keeping up with him.

There is a turf war between Bandit and Teddy.  I can see I will not be able to leave them alone together.   In addition to marking, Bandit has a problem holding it overnight.  Since I usually get up in the night myself I’ll just let him out for a quick trip.

STUFF - We have been having beautiful weather this holiday weekend.  I am taking a day off today.  A day off from being retired is tricky.   Maybe it should involve work ---- naaah.


Saturday, September 4, 2010


Just realized while chatting on pogo.com that I retired 13 years ago Sept 30.  Wow.   I’ve enjoyed it very much.  I’ve gotten pretty good at it.

Spent the afternoon at the antique barn yesterday visiting with friends.

Today I got my first Basset!  His name is Bandit and he doesn’t like other Bassets or other big dogs.  So far he has ignored Teddy.  Teddy is very meek and non-threatening.  Kind of looks like I won’t be getting any more Bassets.  You can judge his size by the stove behind him.

2010-09 001  

He is about 9 years old.  We’ve just been home for an hour and he has marked the backyard very well.  He drank a lot of water so he can mark some more.  He wandered into the living room and started to mark there – until I yelled.   Now I have the half door closed so he will stay in the kitchen with me until we establish who owns this house.

2010-09 002

I’m going to have to keep the backyard well mowed so he doesn’t get lost in the grass.  

I think I’m going to need a ramp for him to get in and out of the car.  I had to lift him out when we got home. 

I drove a ways to meet the woman who brought him.  We met in a K-mart parking lot.  She had 5 other Bassets with her.  They had been to a big dog function north of here.  

Poor Bandit was being boarded at a vet’s office until now.   I think he will enjoy the big back yard.

So far this kitchen has been VERY sniffed.  But the dry food I offered has been ignored.  I’ll keep you posted on how things adjust.


Thursday, September 2, 2010


Got my haircut yesterday morning.  I commented that it seemed that the hair on the back of my head grew faster than the front.  My beautician/daughter, Lory, commented that it seemed that way because I couldn’t reach the back of my head with scissors.  Hmmmm.  All I could say was “oh”.

The new doctor’s office is coming along.  They had a professional scales instead of a bathroom scale and the lazy-boy style chairs in the chemo room were all matching and very new and nice.  Each  chair has a TV suspended from the ceiling.  These TV’s are adjustable as to position and sound and channel.   My appointment was for 1:30 and I was home by 3:00. 

I stopped by Radio Shack and they showed me how to plug in my new phone.   Okay so I gave up on it too soon but now it is working.

The RV repair place called and said they were ready to work on my RV.  Lory and John came over and followed me to the shop so I could drop it off.  We had to use jumper cable on the battery to get the RV started.  I’m going to have to be better about starting it every once in a while to make sure it is okay.  Never know when I might want to run away from home.

Went to a garage sale this morning and found a few items.   While I was gone Teddy pooped on the living room floor.  It would have been on my bed if I hadn’t shut the bedroom door.  Going to have to put him in his kennel when I leave after this.  Maybe when I get the Bassets he will have some company and get over that problem.

Still haven’t heard when I will get the dogs.  Maybe I’ll wash dishes and then after lunch take a nap. 
