A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Monday, May 2, 2011

B-Bye Osama and Chemo Day


Osama Bin Ladin is dead!!  YEAH!!  The song from “The Wizard of Oz” keeps running through my head “The wicked witch is dead”.  Maybe it should be "warlock”but it doesn’t flow with that word.

Rain – the normal condition around here – is still falling and falling and falling.   The Iris are struggling to bloom.

2011-05 001

2011-05 002

They were fully open yesterday between rain storms but today they have tried to close up.  Poor things.

I talked with the doctor today.  I asked for a handicapped parking thing.  She wrote me a prescription for one.  It is good for 5 years.   Is there a message there? 

I took it to the license bureau and got the thing you hang on your mirror for $3.50.  It seemed strange to take a prescription to the license bureau.

When I told my daughters that I was going to get the handicapped thing they both offered to go shopping with me.  Such thoughtful children.

I stopped at a Wendy’s on the way home and got some of their fries with sea salt on them. It was wasted on me as they didn’t taste good at all.

This chemo is much quicker than the other drug I was getting.  

After I got home I got a call from the nurse.  The doctor wants me to go to my general practitioner about my blood pressure.  I have an appointment for tomorrow afternoon.  It is always high when I go to the oncologist.  180/90 today.   When I check it at home it is fine.  I think they call that white coat syndrome.

I will take my blood pressure meter with me tomorrow and check it against theirs.  Mine is one of those that you just stick your finger in.  We will see.



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