A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Relaxing Saturday and Electronic Problems

The Nook is going back to Barnes & Noble.  I called today and after waiting for 15 minutes to speak to a person I finally just kept pushing the “0”.  That finally got a real person, then that person handed me to another person whose second language was English. 

According to ebay I had 14 days after receiving it to send it back.  They kept asking when I ordered it and I kept telling them when I got it. 

I eventually won.  I now have an address to send it to and a number to put on the outside of the package.  It will be 2 to 3 weeks before I get the money back.  I was supposed to pay for it right away when I ordered it.

Oh well.

I will probably go to a store and look at all the models and buy a new one.  This one did not work properly.  It wouldn’t turn pages. 

The other problem is with this laptop.  It was turned off last night and shut itself down normally.  This morning it said it had shut down under abnormal conditions and needed to reset itself.  I let it do that.  Then it wouldn’t do some things, kept telling me I needed to download Adobe Flash Player.  I tried that and it didn’t work.

I know this laptop gets too hot at times.  Maybe I need to set a fan on it. 

The relaxing part of today is a couple of beasts who share this house.

2011-05 001

Bandit is still in trouble with 2 puddles today.  Maybe he has a bladder infection.  Of course, that didn’t occur to me until today.  It will be Tuesday before I can see a vet.  Collecting a sample is always fun.  You follow the dog around with a pie pan and slip it under him at just the right moment.

RIGHT – and his legs are about 4 inches long.

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I thought Teddy was asleep when I took this but I see his eyes were open.  I also see that he is overweight.  I don’t take them for walks anymore and he doesn’t like to stay outside very long so he gets very little exercise. 

The stubble of hair on the sides of my head seems to have stopped falling out.  The doctor thought the Navobine wouldn’t make my hair fall out so much as the Taxol. 

It’s just taken it a while to make a difference.  I still have a stripe of hair down the middle of my head that hasn’t fallen out at all.  Of course, it’s only been growing since I had my head shaved in Dec.

Aches and pains come and go.  The weather makes a difference.  I have all kinds of drugs for every possible problem, even drugs for side effects of drugs.  Lucky me.

The rugs on the clothes line have worked, no rain today!


1 comment:

Lory said...

Thank you for putting those rugs out I was really getting sick of the rain. All of the farmers thank you too... Talked to the rotatiller dude and he still is planning to take a look at tilling up your wana-be garden...K?