A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

Finally after going to several sites and downloading different programs and making notes about what to do first and second and third – I was able to take Adobe Flash Player off my computer and then put it back on.

Now things are working okay.  I don’t know if this was a trick played on Adobe or if they made the mess themselves.  There were plenty of sites with suggestions on how to fix it which means lots of people had the problem.

I am running the air conditioning and the ceiling fan this week-end.  The heat was on last week.

There was a small parade this afternoon.  It woke me from my nap.   I had forgotten that the Memorial Day parade is always very quiet. 

The band’s drum beat woke me.  There were several tow trucks and fire trucks.  There was one very nice SUV that said “confiscated by drug enforcement” on the side.  There were even some baby’s in strollers in the parade. 

I didn’t get any pictures this year.  Yesterday I dug out some bunting and put it on the front porch rail.  Had to iron it first, I don’t iron very often.


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