A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Usual Friday

I am being poisoned!  Looked up the chemo drug I am getting, Taxol, on the internet.  It is made from the bark of a specific kind of yew tree.  Do not chew on the bark of yew trees.

Still have my hair but my scalp tingles a lot. 

I am on a 2 hour eating schedule.  A whole big meal sets in my stomach like a brick.  So I break up the meals and eat more often.  Used to have yogurt with cereal mixed into it for breakfast.  Now I have the yogurt then 2 hours later, the cereal. 

Received a nice phone call from the doctor’s office this morning.  The test for HER2 was negative.  That means there won’t need to be another chemical added to my chemo – I think.  A negative test is always good.

The snow has melted but more is predicted. 

Spent the afternoon at the barn with Lory and my friends.  Tried on a purple wig – just not my style.  Picked up some scarves in anticipation of lost hair.

Picked up the mail and found a Christmas package from Texas.  It smells REALLY good. 

The temperature didn’t get much above 40 degrees today.  We are due some more snow tonight or tomorrow.  I have the snow melt stuff and a shovel in the mud room so I’m ready. 




1 comment:

Linda said...

Open the package and enjoy the contents!!