A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Snow & Lab Test

The snow didn’t add up to a lot but it was enough to delay schools by 2 hours.  It also postponed my grandson’s performance last night.  At least I didn’t have to miss it due to the weather. 

In the picture below you can see Bandit, the looong dog.  He is very careful going out the door when there is snow.  He has seen snow before.  It might be deeper than it looks and his legs are short.

2010-12 001

2010-12 002

The sun on the snow helps but we aren’t supposed to get above freezing this week so the snow will stay.  Didn’t need to use the 4-wheel drive at all.  The wind blows light snow off the driveway and this was a light fluffy snow.

The roads weren’t bad this afternoon.  Some side streets were still snow covered and in some places the wind had blown the snow back onto the road.

The blood test today, this is a no chemo week, showed a low white blood cell count.  That means I might catch a cold or flu easily.  I was given a shot of Neupogen to jazz up my bone marrow so it will make more white blood cells. 

After the Dr’s office I finished my Christmas shopping and went to the health food store.  Also went to the thrift store and found a couple of tops.

I haven’t shopped for winter clothes for quite a while.  I am not a big fan of shopping.  When I was getting dressed today I found a couple of tops that should be thrown out.  So I have now replaced them.  It just happened that the ones I liked were 1/2 off so for less than $5.00 I got 2 good tops.  Good on me.

My daughters consulted their calendars and have designated Sunday as our Christmas so it’s a good thing I got my shopping done today.


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