A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas & New Bathtub


Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas.  Happy Birthday to the baby Jesus.

No picture of the tub on the front porch, sorry.  It was carried straight into the house.  It is impossible to get a good picture of it in the bathroom, can’t get far enough away in that small room.

So, take my word for it, I have a new bathtub.  I used it Thursday morning and it worked fine. 

Of course, getting a new bathtub involved removing all the little extras from the bathroom, like the shower curtain and the hamper.  Also putting them back afterward.

I have a rash of little red itchy bumps on my scalp.  For now I am just wearing a silk scarf in case I’m allergic to something I’ve been putting on my head.  Synthetic fabrics have made me itchy in the past so I am sticking to natural fibers for a while.

The weather predictors are changing their minds every few hours about what will happen the next few days.  Just a little snow can cause lots of problems around here. 

People should learn to test the streets in a safe spot, step on the brakes and see if they can keep control of their vehicle. 

Hope everyone has a safe and peaceful holiday season.



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