A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Snow is a four letter word

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Just that ridge at the end is left to shovel. 

Tips on shoveling snow -  don’t dress too warmly as you will be exercising and you don’t want to get too sweaty in the cold temperatures.

- throw the snow a bit back from the edge you want so if there is more snow you will have a place to put it.

- at the end of the driveway throw all the snow to the right side so the snowplow cannot move your heap back into the middle of your driveway.

- if possible throw snow against the foundation of the house for insulation.

- don’t rush, get a count going to pace yourself.

- have some hot chocolate when you are done.

These things were learned while living in New Hampshire.  They know about snow in New England. 

I got all dressed up to shovel snow today, found the shovel, and then noticed that my wonderful, kind, thoughtful neighbors had already made a good start on my driveway. 

I shoveled for a short while but will have to do it in short efforts.  My energy isn’t too great.  Maybe if I wait a while that neighbor will finish it for me.

I’m not planning on going anywhere today or tomorrow but someone will pick me up on Sunday and Monday and they need to get into the driveway.

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As you can see Teddy has been eating snow.  Do you need to tell a dog not to eat yellow snow?  I hope not.  Bandit is camera shy and runs for cover when he sees it.  He has no mustache for the snow to stick to anyway.


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