A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Every Day Day

Boring post alert.

Okay, I don’t post every day because I assume you don’t want to hear about the boring routine of my everyday life. 

I get up, let dogs out of their cages, let dogs out of the house.  Go to the bathroom, put on more clothes, let dogs back into the house.   Turn on Fox News, Feed dogs, eat something, usually yogurt. 

I take a shower & put eye drops in my eyes and chew my vitamins, I’ve switched to chewable vitamins as regular ones get stuck in my throat.

I check for email and check www.woot.com.  That is a site that sells one thing each day.  I got a TV on there once.  You never know when they will have a deal I can’t refuse.  Some of their chatter is entertaining, also.

I watch Dr. Phil if I am staying home, or run errands, like the post office or the grocery store.

I eat about every 2 hours and drink V-fusion all day long.  I’m supposed to be eating nutritious foods.

The dogs go out again at noon time or maybe before and they expect a treat when they come in.

After lunch I take a nap, Teddy joins me on the couch.  Once in a while Bandit does, too, but only when he is already there and I fit in around him. 

I watch Animal Planet or USA or TNT on TV.  I play games on www.pogo.com.

I do a load of laundry or wash dishes.  Some days a cook a lot but most days I reheat food already prepared.  Feed the dogs again in the evening.

Today is a steroid day before chemo day.  So I take more pills than usual. 

I call people to be sure I have a ride to and from the doctor’s office on Monday. 

Snow has been drifting down all day long but not adding up to anything. 

I once talked to a couple of girls in Texas who had never seen snow.  Their friend had seen it once and said the strange thing about snow is that it is quiet.  All other kinds of weather make some sort of sound.

Actually as I read over this post it sounds like I am pretty busy.



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