A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Winnie, TX

Set up today and even some sales. Not many but it is a good omen. I had never counted the shirts and jackets I have decorated this summer until today when I was hanging them up. There are 30 of them, plus 5 Harley Davidson t-shirts that I got at a garage sale. Sure hope they sell, otherwise everyone is getting 3 of them next Christmas, whether they fit or not, also for their birthdays.

Scooby is in the doghouse again. He gets on the table when I'm not looking, which shows he knows he isn't supposed to. I left a glass of water on the table and he got excited about another dog walking by and jumped on the table and spilled it all over the seat. Luckily the computer escaped the water. I need some mouse traps to put on the table. Maybe I'll find some soon. He is getting better about walking on the leash, it only takes about 10 minutes of choking before he slows down to my pace.

I tried to look around a bit at other people's stuff they have for sale as I won't be able to when we are open. Trade Days are Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Saturday is the big day, of course. The Trade Days I plan to set up at next week-end is in Fredericksburg, TX. They returned my call today and will reserve me a space outside. They said if I get there early they charge $15.00 a day to camp. That isn't bad and I will probably take them up on it. After that sale I'll have to find somewhere else to camp for a couple of weeks as that is where I will meet my sister and brother-in-law. There is a Lady Bird Johnson park nearby that might be promising.

Sorry, no pictures today but I hope to get some people watching pictures this week-end.

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