A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Fredericksburg, TX

Today Linda and I went riding around. She needed to mail some ebay packages and I needed a few items at the grocery store. We also wanted to check out the Trade Days grounds and the local campgrounds. We happened upon a candle factory that had a showroom. As you can see I was having trouble making up my mind so I ended up buying both candles. After you smell about 50 different scented candles you can't tell the difference. Hope I like the ones I got.

We couldn't get into the Trade Days grounds as there was a gate closed and locked with a key pad to put in a code to get them open. So we drove along a country lane beside the grounds and saw some exotic animals. This is a goat, a very regal fellow. He had a family and soon took them away from that strange vehicle.

There was also a group of long horn cattle. Amazing horns. They couldn't go in the some barns with those horns.
We checked out the Lady Bird Johnson Memorial Park campgrounds and it was very nice and a bit woodsy. On the way back we saw a campground sign and went to check it out. It has cable TV, WIFI, and a fenced dog run plus it is closer to town. Guess which one I wanted? I reserved a site for a month there starting next Monday night. It is a bit more expensive but worth it. When I run away I want to do it in style. They have a website that I haven't checked out yet. It is www.fredericksburgtexasrvpark.com. It will work out that my month there will be up just in time for January's Trade Days.
It was very hot and muggy today but tonight a cool front came through with a little rain and some thunder. It's supposed to be very cool tomorrow, high of 44.

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