A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day

Who knew that kids worry about their parents worrying about their worries? That was one thing I learned today.

The other thing is that a bent bumper can cause something to push on a wire that can cause a turn signal light to blow a fuse. That's enough to learn for one day. The man came this afternoon to look at my right turn blinker and it now works. Whooopeee!

This connection is too slow to upload pictures. I wanted to load a picture of a plant I was given at the flea market. Its tag says Caput Medusea Hybrid and it's an air plant. It doesn't need dirt. I am not real sure how to take care of it. Right now it is in a tall plastic vase with wet paper towels in the bottom. If anyone knows a better way to get it home let me know. Once I get it home I think I should put moss around the roots and mist the whole thing now and then.

Tomorrow I plan to head back down the road toward Galveston where it is supposed to be a few degrees warmer for the next week or so. Highs in the 60's, lows in the high 30's and 40's. It is cold here, they are breaking records. Only when I hear how cold it is up north do I appreciate that it is warmer here. I just tell myself that I don't have to shovel anything here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good thing that worry-warts aren't real!