A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Doctor’s Appointment & Chemo

The scans in Oct. showed spots of cancer in my liver. 

The report of the scans done in January did not mention any spots in my liver. 

The scans done in April did mention spots in my liver.  So either they were gone and are back or the report was in error.  They are not so big as before so that is a good thing.

I ended up getting a dose of the new drug today.  It is Navelbine, kind of sounds like navy bean.  It is quicker that the taxol.  It has less side effects.  It will be given 2 weeks in a row with a week off, then 2 more weeks.

The most recent scans showed a rib in my back was healing from being cracked.  Hmmmmm.  I checked my calendar and on Feb. 1 I took a tumble on the ice (link – WINTER).   I know I was miserable for a while and had a cold as well.  Coughing was a painful thing to do. 

If I had gone to the emergency room about the fall they would have taped me up as that’s all they can do for a cracked rib.  Anyway, I can’t seem to get away with anything and it was only painful for a couple of weeks.

My laptop computer has started turning itself off periodically again.  I think it might be that it gets too hot.   It’s always something.



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