A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Monday, January 17, 2011


Today’s visit with the doctor was attended by both my daughters.  Maybe they thought I wouldn’t tell them what the doctor said?

The news was the best possible.  All the spots on my liver are gone and the bone in my hip shows some improvement.

The doctor pointed out that it will come back sometime.  So I will keep getting Taxol – since it is working.

I need to take 7 or 8 pills of the steroids the day before chemo and the doctor gave me a prescription for 100 pills.  There is a message. 

She thinks I will be living with incurable cancer and chemo for a good long while.  At some point I may ask for some time off from it – at some point I may decide to stop it.  That is all in the future and doesn’t have to be dealt with today.

My daughters went out to celebrate at a Mexican restaurant while I went to sit in a very comfortable chair with a warmed blanket over me while I got my drugs in my port.

Since one of the side affects I am experiencing is loss of sense of taste I am having to use tricks.  I can taste sweet and salt and pickles.  I think it is the vinegar in pickles.  So pickles and relish are included in every meal, will – not breakfast. 

I don’t drink water much, just juice and ginger ale.  The ginger ale helps settle my stomach.  Of course, they recommend it should be room temperature and flat before I drink it.  They sure can take the fun out of it. 

The rash on my scalp is gone.  I got a little mesh stocking type thingy to put on my bare head under the wig so that is working better.  Putting a wig over hair you don’t notice how scratchy it is but on a bare scalp it is very scratchy so the stocking thing is great.

I have made an appointment to get the dogs to the doggy beauty parlor tomorrow for a bath.  I also have a date for lunch with the girls on Thursday.

I am working at getting used to this new “normal”.  Can’t hold up in the house week after week and play games and farmville on the computer.  That’s not living.

So forward I go into the unknown.  Everyone does that every day, they just might not realize it.




1 comment:

Linda said...