A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Chemo - 3rd installment, 2nd round

Sunday evening - Another Sunday taking steroids.  Baking cookies was my project today.  I have a plate full of them to take to the doctor’s office tomorrow, along with the recipe so people can see what is in them.

There are so many things that don’t agree with me and I hate to ask people what is in their baked goods.  So I will give people the ingredients and they can decide if they want to try them.

Bandit has been eating a food for older dogs for a few days and I can already see a difference.  He hops up the step into the house much easier and quicker.  He also asks to go out more often.  You can’t have everything. 

We are back to normal weather – cold and damp.

Monday evening – The cookies were a big hit at the doctor’s office.  I promoted them as medicinal since they have ginger for digestion, and cloves and cinnamon for everything else.

I am pretty wobbly and my ears ring but managed to keep up with Bandit when he ran the Basset 500 in glee that I was home.  His “run” is my fast shuffle walk.  That amounts to 2 or 3 trips from the kitchen to the living room and back, while barking (him, not me).

Got the trash out to the curb just after dark.

Lory and John drove me today.  We have it timed pretty well, a 1:00 appointment gets me out at 4:00.  The blood work was good.  Now I get a week off from chemo.   I can drive myself for next weeks stuff. 

I skipped lunch today and didn’t have any burps etc. while getting the chemo.  I ate a regular evening meal and feel okay so far.   The flat, warm ginger ale helps.

Had a slight nose bleed yesterday, very slight.  As a kid I had several severe nose bleeds so I know how to stop them.  Ice on the nose while pinching it.  Luckily it is in the lower part of my nose so pinching stops it. 

A sunny day today, in the 30’s.  One day closer to spring.


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