A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

End of Eighth Zeloda Chemo Cycle

Now I get a week off and a chance to recover a little.  My hands tremble, my nose drips, my eyes water, my palms and the soles of my feet are very red.  One foot is so red it looks almost black.  Every step I take is painful.  I welcome the week off.

But that doesn’t mean it is safe for me to go around lots of people.  My immune system is down, I catch whatever is going around.

Enough complaining.  It does no good. 

The weather continues to be cloudy and/or rainy.  No white Christmas this year.  The twelve years we lived the New Hampshire we had two Christmases that were not white. 

In New England they plan on the snow and cold and use it to create fun.  Baseball fields were misted to make skating rinks.  All kids got skates for Christmas.  Snow mobiles are really fun and allow you to see the woods at a time of year you don’t normally see them.

So here in Ohio we endure winter instead of enjoy it.  My dogs seem to think rain will melt them so they must be booted out the door.  I dry them with a towel when they come in, hoping that will make them more willing to go out. 

Friday night my family is getting together to celebrate Christmas.   I will try to cheer myself up for that.   I enjoy my computer and play games on it, I enjoy reading books.  But I do get discouraged at times.


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