A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Diet Stuff

Reading my Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips book, I found some info about food.  This info may be in some of the serious literature given me at the doctor’s office but since it didn’t have “sexy” in the title or cute sayings etc. I didn’t notice it.

The picture below shows the digestion times of different types of foods.  It also demonstrates what not to put together, like proteins and starches. 

A normal healthy person probably would never have to consider this information.  But when I eat and burp a lot and get an all day stomach ache I need to know why.

Quote from book:  “When we don’t combine foods properly, digestive enzymes are neutralized – and the resulting traffic jam fouls up our digestion”.

If you click on the picture it gets bigger, I think.2011-03 001

Then, of course, there is the question of is it a starch or a vegetable.   I went looking on the internet for that info.  Root vegies are starch as well as rice, bread and crackers.  I had already figured out I couldn’t eat potatoes, now I know why.  Maybe I can add them back if I do it right. 

A normal breakfast, like I had on Tuesday – egg and bacon sandwich – is a big nono (mixing protein and starch).  It’s no wonder I had an 8 hour stomach ache.  

So for dinner tonight I had a boiled egg, green beans and a couple of thin slices of chicken.  We will see how that sets. 

The battery in the RV is a goner.  Since I haven’t been starting the RV at all this winter it is probably my fault.  That will not stop me from trying to get a bit  of $ knocked off the next one I buy from the same place.  They couldn’t do anything about it till Monday after they have checked it themselves.

It rained in the night and all day.  This led to a doggie pee puddle in the bathroom.  Bandit is blamed for it but Teddy may have added his squirt to it also.  The dogs were outside enough to go out there.  I even put on a raincoat and went out with them to prove rain does not melt you. 

Since it’s supposed to keep raining tomorrow I may have to put leashes on them and be sure they go outside.  I refuse to hold an umbrella over them although I used to do that for a Great Dane I had.  Well, her puddles were VERY significant.


1 comment:

Linda said...

Very interesting about how you combine your foods. I will be anxious to see how it works. Yes, the photo does get bigger when you click on it.