A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Chemotherapy Treatment No. 14

I have occasionally complained about comments from this blog referring me to websites about male enhancement.  They, happily, do not show up as comments on the blog, just come to me as email. 

So now I want to say something nice about an anonymous comment on one of my old posts that thanked me for helping them solve a problem.  It was a post about the steroids I take the day before chemo.  Don’t know how it helped but I am happy that it did.  It made my day.

Sunday I took three 4 mg dexamethasone pills both morning and night.   Hope this works well.  Could it be possible to reduce this even more?  Time will tell.

The problem that is most bothersome now is the numbness that is progressing in my right foot.  It started at the toes, has progressed to the ball of the foot and the heel and ankle are feeling strange now.

This is called “Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy” or CIPN.  Looked it up on the internet and it is found in 60% of Taxol patients.  It is the nerves, not the circulation. 

Maybe the most bothersome thing is the fingers on my right hand are starting to be affected also.  I am very right handed.  My poor old left hand barely knows it’s name. 

One place I worked, many years ago, the cord to the calculator would only reach the electrical outlet from the left side of my desk.  Eventually I learned to use it with my left hand.  But that was MANY years ago.  Can you teach an old hand new tricks?  I may get to find out. 

Just got back from chemo.  I drove myself, even turned right on red twice – haha. 

No problems with the chemo.  I slept thru some of it.  I try to pull the blanket up to my face so it can catch any drool.  TMI? (too much information)

We are having Florida weather, quick shower of huge drops with thunder then sunshine.

Now I just have to remember not to eat too much at one time the rest of today and tomorrow. 





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