A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Diet News

Taking into consideration yesterdays info about diet – I had dry cereal for breakfast (starch) – pork roast, green beans and a pickle for lunch (protein & veggies) – half a baked potato and another pickle (starch & veggies) for dinner (I should say supper as that’s what it was where I grew up). 

It seems to be working.  Not nearly so many burps and that overstuffed feeling is less than it was. 

You may have noticed the pickles in my diet.  I received an 80 oz. jar of pickles for my birthday.  That’s because I can’t taste food very well but pickles still taste like pickles – and pickles are a vegetable.

2011-03 001.

Don’t know how it will work if I go out to eat.  Maybe I could just order a hamburger and a fork or pasta and bread. 

I could order a regular meal and just eat part of it and bring the rest home. 

The rain brought on more dog puddles in the house.  I caught Bandit at it in the bathroom and dragged him outside by his collar.  Then he managed to open the bedroom door that I had blocked with a paint can and made a puddle in there.  BAD BAD DOG!

The rain has stopped but the weather is not done with winter yet.  March came in like a lamb so it should go out like a lion according to the old saying.




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