A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Grumpy Thursday

I’m going to grump today. 

I was given a booklet titled Understanding Chemotherapy.   On page 54 there is a paragraph which says:

“Recent research has shown that chemo can impact the thinking functions of the brain (known as cognitive functioning) for up to 10 years after treatment.  Some of the brain’s activities that are affected are concentration, memory, comprehension (understanding), and reasoning.  The changes that are found in patients are often very subtle, but the people who have these problems are very aware of the changes in their ability to think.”

So now I have an excuse. 

I’m supposed to take my temperature every day to make sure I don’t have an infection.  I take it first thing in the morning and the last 2 mornings it has been 93.1 and 93.4.   Maybe that’s why I don’t want to get out of bed.  Maybe that’s why I have to close one eye so I don’t see double.

Eventually it gets up to my normal.  Then I get to take a bunch of pills which often get stuck in my throat. 

Yesterday taking a shower was the total accomplishment of the day.  Today I don’t think I’ll even do that.


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