A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wednesday – Doctor Day

The plumber came and measured and explained.  They do not make a plain bathtub with a walk-in door.  All of them have built in seats and a lot of them have high sides and heaters.  The heaters are probably because it would take so long to fill them up the water would be cold by the time it was full.  Forget it.  Besides I couldn’t wash a dog in the small space left after the seat is there.

So I will opt for a new regular bathtub.  It will involve a trip to the supply store to see which one I like.  Maybe some of them have a shorter side.  I am told it will take 2 or 3 days to install as it will involve drywall work. 

Today was doctor day.  I got blood work and Zometa and Faslodex.  The doctor says the Faslodex seems to be working at keeping the cancer spread under control, although the blood work “markers” have increased a little bit.  So they will call with an appointment for some scans.  I now have appointments for Nov. & Dec. for meds and one in Jan, 2011, to see the doctor again. 

Yesterday we had RAIN.  There were tornados north of here and some wind here.  There were all sorts of warnings.  The rain was fast and furious.  There are analogies for that, like “a cow pissing on a flat rock”.  This was maybe 2 cows at the same time.  A semi or 2 was blown off the road and lots of people lost power.  I was very lucky with no damage and no loss of power.

The dogs were very happy to see me come home after being gone for all of 3 hours.  Bandit had to go out in the yard to do some figure eights and some barking.  I had to give them treats to get them to settle down.  I took the chance and left them out of their cages while I was gone and they seemed to do okay.  Yeah for the dogs – and for me.


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