A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Showdown in the Backyard

Yesterday Teddy persisted in pushing under the fence into the next door backyard.  The next door backyard is inhabited by a large dog, a part pit bull, part rotweiller, female with attitude.

She is a beautiful blue/gray color.  She owns a young boy about 11 years old.    She is usually tied on a cable but getting her from their back door to the cable takes a moment. 

Teddy was in her backyard trying to get back home when they (boy and dog)  came out and saw him.  It only took a moment for her to pull loose and go for him. 

I couldn’t see anything, bushes blocked my view.  But I could hear yelping and crying and snarling.  I had no doubt who was doing the yelping and who was doing the snarling.

To get over there I had to go around the front of my house to get to the neighboring backyard gate.   By the time I got there the boy had his dog under pretty good control.  It took a moment to get hold of my dog and carry him home. 

There was no blood but there was a lot of dirt and leaves and fear.  He got a bath in the afternoon after he had settled down.  I found no damage but he didn’t want to jump up on the couch or anything.  Maybe some sore muscles?

Do you suppose Teddy learned anything?  I doubt it.

The neighbor man came over to make sure everything was okay.  We do not let animals acting like animals interfere with our neighborliness.   He said he would block up his side of the fence to keep this from happening again.

That fence is a challenge.  I refuse to replace it.  It is patched with pieces of wood fencing that were left on the property, even an old broken down wheelbarrow blocks one weak spot.   It has become a contest between the fence and me.  I will win!

2010-10 002  

A snapshot to prove that Teddy survived his ordeal.

Below are two pictures of the tree across the street, taken about 3 days apart.  Fall is coming fast!  2010-10 001

2010-10 001

After all the excitement in the backyard I went to the grocery store and picked up a few needed items, basics like bread and mayo.  

Teddy has been outside a couple of times today with no incidents.  I’m glad Bandit didn’t get adventuresome also.  He is a wise old gentleman.  He gives me the opportunity to rub his belly a couple of times a day and seems to be really settling into this home.



Linda said...

Sounds like Teddy has a tough time with authority! How is he doing today?

Kat said...

Teddy is like a teen-ager - I'll do what I want. He is okay today, even hopped up on the couch for a nap with me. I think he is bruised some as he flinches when I examine him but there is nothing visably wrong with him. He did not get out of the fence today, probably only because the neighbor blocked up their side of the fence.