A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Just a Regular Day

I feel I should apologize when I have nothing to say.  I look at the site meter that tells me how many people looked at my blog  and I feel guilty that there is nothing new for them to see.

I get up, let the dogs out, let the dogs in, feed the dogs, eat breakfast consisting of yogurt and dry cereal, take a shower and get dressed.  Sometimes that takes me till 9:00 or even 10:00.

I check email and facebook and woot.com, then I check the blogs I follow.  Then I try to get something productive done, like laundry or dishes or cooking or cleaning.  Sometimes I just read a book.

Sometimes I get a call from Lory or Susan or a friend or my brother. 

I eat lunch, a sandwich and a banana and canned fruit, followed by some dark chocolate. 

Afternoons involve a nap sometimes or a trip to the post office or the bank or the library or the grocery. 

Monday’s I put out the trash, Wednesday’s I play pogo.com when the new challenges come out.   (I play pogo.com some every day.)  My excuse for playing pogo games is to keep my mind active. 

Evenings I feed the dogs again then feed myself, watch TV or read a book. 

I like to watch TV, Fox news in the morning, then TNT or  USA in the evening, or Animal Planet sometimes.  The history channel has some neat stuff also.  American Pickers on Mondays is good.  I also like The Closer.

On Friday or Saturday I go to the Butter Street Barn to visit with my friends, the other dealers there.   I also pick up any money from sales the week-end before. 

Sometimes I comb Teddy and give him a hair cut.  Since he can only tolerate this for a short time it is always an ongoing project.

Today I had planned a whole day off, it has been a busy week.   I stayed in my night shirt and put on jeans and slippers.  After lunch I planned on hitting the couch and watching some reruns on TV.

Then the electricity went out……….  I found myself laying on the couch holding the TV remote clutched to my chest unable to doze off.  The dogs came to comfort me – I must have looked pathetic.  Silly got the front half of herself up beside me and offered comfort and places for me to scratch.  Then Teddy took a turn.

That got me laughing – oh well – the best laid plans of ….

The electricity is back on as is the TV. 

Just another regular day….


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