A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Slept on the couch last night due to a large wet spot in my bed.   The bed doesn’t get checked until bedtime so there was no warning.  The spot was rather large, covering part of the pillow and had soaked thru to the mattress. 

Maybe the culprit got a clue at how upset I was by the way I pulled the bedding off the bed and stomped into the laundry room with it. 

Maybe I got a clue as to who was the culprit by finding Silly on the bed as I approached.  Did she read yesterday’s post?  I wouldn’t be surprised. 

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We discuss world affairs sometimes.  She thinks dogs could do a better job of running things.  A little snarling and sniffing, a lip curl and a stiff legged stance with the  hairs on the back standing up could substitute for nuclear ambitions.

I agree with her – so why wet my bed?

Both dogs were pretty upset when I made them come out of the bedroom and closed the door.

I woke with Teddy curled up beside me on the couch even though I had told him “off”  when I laid down.  I swear he can lay on 4 inches of couch. 

He has lost some weight.  He was 33 pounds at his last vet visit.  Yesterday we both got on the scales and he is down to 28.  The goal is 25.

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So today’s job is laundry and making the bed once I sanitize the mattress.   I think the stuff for that is in the RV.   Nature’s  Miracle and Fabreeze work well.

Maybe I’ll get something done


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