A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Chemo Drug

The Dr. called yesterday to forewarn me of the fact that I need to change chemo drugs.  The pills had helped at first but had stopped working according to last weeks PET scan.   AARRRGGG.

That information is pretty depressing.  I put up with all those lousy side effects and then find out it was for nothing.

The new one she recommends is Epirubicin (<—link), pronounced (ep-i-ROO-bi-sin).  It is given by IV two weeks in a row, then a week off.  Weekly blood tests to monitor red and white blood cells and liver function.  My liver function continues to test normal. 

All the usual side effects seem to apply such as fatigue, loss of hair, nausea, etc. etc.  At least my hands and feet should return to normal.   If my hair falls out again (50% chance) I still have all my hats and scarves and wigs. 

I received the first dose of the stuff today and it doesn’t take long.  They were offering cookies and snacks and warmed blankets in the chemo room. 

People watching in there is interesting.  Some women crochet or knit,  some complain at the family member who brought them, some eat and some doze.  There are individual TV’s for each chair but few people watch them. 

The sun is shining today and it should get up to 40.  WOOHOO.

I learned how to use the remote starter on my car.  I thought he had said push once to start and twice to turn it off but that was backwards.  Maybe I heard him wrong.  It does work if I can remember to turn it on before I’m ready to go.

I’m sure the colder it gets the better I will remember.



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