A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Do You Really Really want to know what I did last night???

I decided to give myself a hair cut, arranged a small mirror on the counter and found the best pair of scissors in the dog grooming bowl.  I like wooden bowls and use them to store things like whistles and rocks and pine cones.

But I digress.  It’s hard to cut the back of your hair so this “buzz” took a long time.  Little hairs were floating in the air.  I sneezed and wet my pants.  I sneezed again and wet them some more, thru the undies and long johns and corduroys.  A few expletives deleted.

I headed for the bathroom, removed wet garments, cleaned up, and headed for the bedroom for dry clothes. 

During the gathering of items for redressing I found dog poop on the bed that I hadn’t noticed before, so the pill I gave Teddy before I left hadn’t worked so well.

I showed it to him, let him sniff it and then headed for the back door saying “OUT”.  Half way there I realized I had nothing on the bottom half.  Oh well, first things first.

He stayed out, in the misty evening until I was properly attired. 

I put him in his cage for the night but then relented and let him out. 

Lory says the only solution is to get another dog to keep him company.  I’ll start looking right away.  No more bassets as they are too heavy for me to lift and they are stubborn.

We’ll see what I find




Lory said...

Notice in the Blog that was written there are NO... repeate No Quotation marks around the Lory said section!!!! Just Saying

Beverly said...

But, how did the hair cut come out?

Kat said...

Lets just say you can't do a buzz with scissors. I'm wearing a turban type head cover. Most of it is 1/2 inch long, except the back. I'll have to ask for a proper buzz with clippers.