A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Week-end

Saturday was cruise-in day at the place Lory works.  The parking lot was completely full of antique cars.  I had to park far away from the restaurant.  That way I got to walk by a lot of the cars on the way.

She got the privilege of doing the outside cooking.  The picture below is her working before she noticed I was there.

2010-05 004

She then turned around for me to get a full shot of her costume.  Under that apron there is a poodle.  The shoes started out black but became saddle shoes when white duct tape was added.  Several of  her co-workers heard she could make poodle skirts so she was kept busy making more of them.

2010-05 005

Then on Sunday Lory and her gang came over in the afternoon to watch the parade. 

2010-05 007

The Memorial Day Parade is a quiet parade , no sirens or horns.  Just a lot of respect for this solemn holiday.  

2010-05 008

The parade is never very long.  At the end of it the people gather at the cemetery and have a ceremony which involves a prayer, a few speeches and a 21 gun salute.   The flag was at half staff.  The honored person in this parade was a 90 year old WWII veteran.

2010-05 011

Seven guns were fired three times to get the twenty-one gun salute required.

By the way, I found a store that sells Little Kings Ale, my favorite.  I’m celebrating that.


Friday, May 28, 2010

Brush and Birds

The trees and shrubs and brush around my house needed to be cut down so the painters can paint.

Yesterday Lory and John came with a chain saw and a weed whacker and did the job.  What a great job they did.

One tree had a birds nest in it.  As it came down Lory caught the nest while yelling at the top of her lungs.  My neighbor, Dawn, came out to see what the fuss was about.  There was one little naked baby in that nest.  His head was up and his mouth was open.  It didn’t help that it was starting to rain.

Dawn and Lory are lovers of nature.  She and Lory tried putting the nest in different places hoping the parents would continue to care for that baby.  It was a cardinal nest. 

They tried a window sill on Dawn’s house but that didn’t work.  The parents kept flying to where the tree had been, then to the tree on the ground.  They sat on top of Dawn’s garage and complained and dive bombed the area over and over.

The girls tried waiting till the parents were watching to move the nest slowly, hoping the parents would see it.  Finally, after 3 or 4 unsuccessful moves, the nest was placed near their perch on the garage, in another tree.  At last sighting they were caring for the nest.  No one touched the little naked, blind, red baby so we are hoping this will work.

The trees removed are what most people call “trash” trees.  The birds bring them and they grow better than imported decorative trees.  If they aren’t too close to the foundation and don’t hang over and scrape on the roof I normally leave them alone.  There are even some blackberry bushes along the driveway. 

I tend to let things grow for a while to see what they are.  By the time it is revealed that the plant is a weed it may be too big to pull out.  That policy has worked well for some things.  The wisteria might not have survived if I hadn’t let it grow for a while.  I had forgotten that I dropped those seeds there.

Bit by bit I am getting ready for big improvements.


Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Searching through Heritage Quest Online for veterans of the Revolutionary war who applied for a pension while living in this area is proving to be a big job.

First I have been looking up last names that have been around here for a while.  The last name of Henry proved a very popular name.  I found two of those who applied while living in Ohio. 

I have the notebook almost ready to take to the military museum.  I have printed out the original handwritten documents and placed those pages on the left hand side.  On the right hand side is my translation, line for line.  There are some areas that have -------- for words I couldn’t figure out.  A lot of them are names of people or places.  Maybe I should supply sticky notes for people to put in their suggestions of what those words might be.  That’s assuming someone reads it.

I called Dr. Khan’s office yesterday.  The supervisor that has to approve my refund is on vacation until next Tuesday.   The amount I think I am due and the amount they think I am due do not quite agree.  I told her if it was a small amount they could keep it and put it into their party fund.  She laughed.

The house painters have been chosen and alerted so I am on their list.  The people who are going to trim back the shrubs and trees so the painters can paint have been alerted. 

Now I wait for the roof man to come.  The weather has been great, in fact too warm for this time of year.   My A/C is on and working hard.  

I am trying to get out of the house every day, run at least one errand so they don’t pile up.  Today I went to Staples and bought the notebook and the clear plastic pages and dividers to go in it.


Monday, May 24, 2010


The porch roof will be fixed when the weather permits.  I have gotten an estimate and accepted it.  There is one job ahead of mine.   I am getting a rubber roof since the roof is flat.  

Actually it slants just a tiny bit, maybe 3 inches over the 15 foot length.  The strange thing is, there is a drain spout on the high side.  The roofer giving the estimate noticed this and is going to remove the useless downspout.

Another tick was found yesterday – again on my neck.  This one was not attached yet.  It’s going to be a bad year for ticks, maybe I should say a bad year for people getting ticks, it may be a good year as far as the ticks are concerned.

I ventured back to the public library today.  A different person was at the computer help desk.  I got real help. 

I can now legally access the HeritageQuestOnline website from home and print things off to my hearts content.   If your library can get to it, you can, too.  It involves typing in your bar code number from your library card. 

Still no call from Dr. Khan in Florida.  I will probably call them back tomorrow.  I may even get real nasty with them.  Maybe they are waiting, hoping I will die before they have to pay me back.  I’ll leave a note for my kids to keep calling them – just in case. 

When I was handling my first husbands estate I ran into things like that.  We had been divorced for a year but I still got stuck with the clean up.

Every report they sent him had the information about how close he was to fulfilling his deductible – until the one that came after he died.   I called them on it and got it straightened out.  Someday I may ramble about that mess but not today.


Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Art of Intimidation

Dr. Waseem Khan’s office did not call yesterday, at least not on the number I left them last week. 

This morning I called the Florida Medicare Fraud Hotline.  They do not investigate fraud against individuals, just fraud against Medicare.  

They did refer me to the Department of Health.  I’m not sure what that was for.   Maybe one of those government run around deals.

So I called Dr. Khan’s office again.    They said they called my cell phone yesterday.  I don’t turn on my cell phone when I am at home.  It doesn’t get reception here.  It’s for when I’m away.

They agree that they owe me money.  My account showed a credit.  They will know exactly how much this afternoon.  They will call me back. 

How long does it take to refund money?  This is from Dec., ‘09 and Jan., 2010. 

Now for the art of intimidation:

If you always talk in a pleasant but firm voice you can say just about anything and not upset people.  If you aren’t getting responses you like – ask the person’s name you are speaking to, ask them to spell it – twice. 

This usually produces a helpful response.

If not the next step is to ask for their immediate supervisor’s name and phone number, ask them to spell the name – twice.  Ask when the supervisor is likely to be at that number, is there another number where they might be reached.

That usually gets things moving in the direction you want. 

6:00 p.m.

No call from Dr. Khan’s office. 

But Lory and John came over and mowed my lawn (hay field) and weed whacked the thistles and poke weeds.  Then I had them check why my shower had suddenly stopped working.  John took off the shower head and found pieces of a rubber gasket were plugging it. 

WOW.  It’s sure nice to have a man with tools around once in a while. 

Now I’m going to buy a whole new shower head – I thought maybe I’d be calling a plumber who would say I needed all new pipes or something. 

Life does get better sometimes.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Waiting for call from Dr. Khan

This is Wednesday, the day Dr. Khan’s office said they would call about the money they owe me.  No call yet. 
Do I want them to call and say “the check is in the mail” or would I rather report them to the Medicare Fraud Hotline?  I’m on the fence about that.  They should be reported and thoroughly audited for other people they have overcharged. 
When you sleep with dogs you might wake up with ticks.  I did that the other morning.  Found it on the back of my neck while taking a shower.  He was attached and I pulled him off and washed him down the drain. 
Then I got out the frontline and dosed both dogs.  I’m still checking imaginary creepy crawly things on my head.  Do they make frontline for people?
So I wait impatiently for the next shoe to drop….

Thursday, May 13, 2010

One More Time

Doctor’s appointment yesterday.  Got Zometa, got Faslodex.  Got appointment for next month and appointments for tests the end of June.  I have gained a couple more pounds in the past 4 weeks. So much for the health update.

Today I ran errands.  The library can access a data base called heritagequestonline.com.  I used to be able to get on there.  A little bird told me how to do it from home.  Lately I have not been able to get on. 

I tried to print some pages at the library but it didn’t work.  I was very short of patience and left.  The employees there seemed much more interested in talking with one another or on the phone than helping me. 

Their hours have been cut recently so they don’t have so much time to catch up on the gossip.

Leaving seemed better than having a tantrum.  I tried to download a clipart of a tantrum but couldn’t find one for free.  I’m cheap.

I wanted to print out the application for a pension made by Samuel Brown on June 7, 1832. 

He was born June 1, 1758 so he was 74 when he applied for his pension.  He was awarded $20.00 per year and they owed him some back money so he got $50.00.  That was probably a lot of money then.  He lived to be 83 years old.

I’m glad he survived the Revolutionary War as he is my 3rd Great Grandfather.

His 11 page request makes interesting reading.  I can picture him doing the 1832 version of a ramble and reading that document makes it very real. 

Maybe I’ll have more patience next time I go to the library, maybe I should take a tranquillizer before I go. 

Maybe I got my ill humor this morning by calling both the Medicare office and my supplement health insurance.  I confirmed my information about the medical bills while I was in Florida.  I also got the phone number of the Florida Medicare Fraud Hotline from Medicare. 

Then I called the doctor’s office (they owe me about $400.00)  in Florida and explained their fraud to them.  Of course, they are in the middle of changing their database for billing.  They will give my information to the supervisor and get back to me by next Wednesday. 

Maybe the fact that I told them I had the phone number of the Fraud Hotline did something for their enthusiasm for getting back to me.  

Anybody you want me to call???  ANYBODY?!!!


Monday, May 10, 2010

Day after

The natural gas unvented fireplace heater works very well.  I have turned the furnace off and now it has turned cold.  Frost warning cold.

The house was 66 degrees so I turned on the fireplace.  I kind of forgot about it for a while.  Then I noticed the temperature had gone up to 74  in the kitchen.  That’s 2 rooms away from the heater.

After the Mother’s Day party was over I was paying attention to the dogs.  I found that Teddy had somehow found something to roll in.  So I gave him a bath right away.

He had to be dragged into the bathroom and afterward he coughed and choked and wheezed.  Somehow he had to sit right in front of me to do his histrionics.    He has one of those pushed in faces so he could have been having some sort of breathing trouble.  I couldn’t work up much sympathy for him. 

I covered the flowers my family planted with plastic bags last night.  The bags were very damp but I don’t think the frost got down to the ground here although  Lory had frost on her windshield this morning.

This morning the dogs got out.  Yesterday someone moved a cement block away from the big double gates.  Silly knows if you push hard over and over and get that gate bouncing it will open.  She is supposed to be old and weak.  Right.

I have been teaching them to bark to come inside.  Silly stood at the small gate and barked to get in.  Apparently she couldn’t come back in the big gate that she opened.

Got a call last night from my nephew in California.  He wished me a happy Mother’s Day.   He looked at my post and I explained who everyone was.  It’s too bad that families get so scattered. 


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother’s Day 2010

They came, they dug, they weeded, they planted.

Tim can’t stand weeds.  My theory is, if it’s green leave it alone.

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Carson got into the digging thing.

2010-05 003 

2010-05 002

They all lined up for just a moment – left to right - Willie, Jake, Tim, Charlotte holding Jaryen, Susan, and Lory with Carson in front of her.

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Lory and her son Jake take a break while Lory’s daughter keeps an eye on her boy, Jaryen.

2010-05 008 

Susan takes a break with her son, Willie and her great nephew, Carson.

 2010-05 009

Susan and Tim resting.  Tim is growing hair on his face.  We won’t mention where there is no hair.

2010-05 010

My girls can grow hair and don’t always want their face in a picture.  Hi jinks are sometimes required when those two get together.

2010-05 014

If you are patient with them they will show their faces.

2010-05 016

The Grandsons, Jake and Willie are 13 this year, both taller than their Grandma.

2010-05 012 

Jaryen knows how to take it easy.

2010-05 017 

Charlotte with her two boys.  Happy Mother’s Day Charlotte.

 2010-05 019

There used to be a country song with the words: “Come after breakfast, bring your lunch,  leave before supper time.”  If you can add, dig up weeds and plant flowers, in the middle of that you have my Mother’s Day present.  Pretty good day.


Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mother’s Day Memories

When I was a kid we went to a Presbyterian church on Sunday.  On Mother’s Day someone was at the door with flowers (carnations) for each person.  If your Mother was living you took a colored flower, (usually red) if she was deceased you took a white flower. 

I don’t remember how I learned this.  Probably my Mother told me.

We wore gloves to church back then.  Today you can go to church in jeans.

She told us bits of things that didn’t seem relevant to us at the time but which stuck somewhere in our minds. 

She was originally a school teacher.  She taught in a one room school in the 1930’s.  One year she was paid with room and board.  That involved staying at the students’ homes for equal time shared out among the students.  One place had bedbugs.

She said sometimes she slept with the students.  Sometimes the Mother of that home would say she had already eaten her supper.  Mom doubted that, there just wasn’t enough food so the Mother didn’t eat.  Admitting you didn’t have enough was unheard of.

Some of the students would bring a sweet potato to school for their lunch.  They laid them near the pot bellied stove and by noon they were cooked.  No aluminum foil then.

Some students brought a metal lard bucket with a lid and carefully hid what was in it for their lunch, eating with their face over the top of the bucket.  Mom’s  guess was that it was cornbread or corn mush. 

Those people valued education.  Times were hard.

My parents married in 1935 but kept it secret for a year.  My Mother would have lost her job as a teacher if they knew she was married.  Those jobs were for single women or married men.

She needed the extra year to pay off the car she was buying, a model A Ford.  The car was to give to her parents.  They had paid for her college education and she felt guilty for wanting to get married and not be a teacher after they had sacrificed for her education. 

I rode in that car a few times.  All I really remember is Grandpa cranking it in front to start it and the smell of wet wood and leather.

She always said she was not superstitious, then would explain what it meant when your hand itched (you would receive money)or foot itched (you would walk on new ground) or if you dropped a fork or spoon (fork - a woman will visit, spoon – a child, knife – a man). 

I was assured I could wear my Grandmother’s thimble, since I wasn’t superstitious.  It was bad luck to wear a deceased person’s thimble.   It must have been my Dad’s Mother’s thimble.  She died when I was four years old. 

I could go on forever talking about my Mother.

When my kids were young Mother’s Day involved breakfast in bed.  Usually a mess but happily done and gratefully accepted.  Hand made cards were the best. 

When teen years came some of them rebelled.  So I rebelled right back (tough love approach).  No birthday gifts from me for kids who didn’t acknowledge me.  That didn’t last long.  I sure am glad my kids are grown people now and seem like friends as well as family.

Today Motherhood is a choice.  I respect and honor the women who choose to have an inconvenient baby. 

So God Bless all Mothers, past, present,  and future.


Thursday, May 6, 2010


Second, maybe third or fourth, childhood has arrived. 

I am on facebook.  I play farmville on facebook.   Lory, my daughter, is on facebook but does not want to play farmville.  She has no link to the internet at her home so she uses mine when she is here to check email etc. 

So today I signed her up for farmville on facebook.  I have a desktop computer as well as a laptop.  They are both connected to the internet. 

I  sign in on the laptop as “me” and onto the desk top as “Lory”.  At least I get some exercise crossing back and forth the kitchen from one computer to the other.

I send me a gift from her and then go to the other computer and accept it.  Aren’t I nice to me?

Of course, I know Lory’s passwords.  She knows where mine are written down.  She lists things on craigslist and I monitor her email for her. 

We didn’t always get along so well but that’s just the way it is.  We are adults now and have agreed to disagree on some things.  We help one another out on a regular basis.

My other daughter, Susan, called and wanted to know if she could come visit on Sunday afternoon.  I said “sure”.  Then she asked if I would be home.  She knows me too well.  I laughed and said I would be home.

Just chatted with my nephew on facebook.  He is a musician and has a website.  Check it out HERE.  Pretty good stuff.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

New Windows + & -

The windows have been in long enough for me to make a judgment about them.  They are great for keeping the noise out.

They are great for keeping out the sounds I like also.  Such as the church chimes at noon and five in the evening and the bird song. 

Apparently the dogs can still hear the five o’clock chimes as that is when they want their supper.

These windows don’t rattle in the wind, which is nice.  Now I listen for the wind chimes to know when the wind is blowing.

One of the best parts is that they are all clean.  I’m sure that won’t last very long but it is nice right now.  And when they get dirty they will be much easier to clean as they tip in or even lift out.

The house I lived in as a teen-ager was about 150 years old at that time.  It’s REALLY old now.  The window by my bed had a pattern in the frost in the winter.  It looked like a fence post and a path, all in white. 

The heat came up into our (three of us shared) bedroom through a hole in the floor from the kitchen.  The hole was under a dresser. 

The heat register was in a room downstairs.  That register was the goal of everyone on cold mornings.  You could dress inside a big nightgown or robe while standing over that register.

One room had to be heated with a fireplace.  One of my jobs was to carry in two buckets of coal every day to fuel that fire in the winter.  Also to shake it down and bank it over with ashes to hold it overnight.  I used to think my arms were at least an inch longer than they would have been if I didn’t have to carry coal.

The furnace was in the cellar which was accessed from outdoors and down some stone steps. 

There was a snake in the cellar.  We only knew he was there because we found his skin now and then.  He got bigger over time.

Home canned goods were stored in the cellar.  Could that snake be above somewhere?  Might he drop down?  It made getting a can of peaches or tomatoes or green beans a real adventure.

Enough rambling.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Primary Voting Day

If I had been thinking I would have made a record of the phone calls about politicians running in this primary.  Then I could have paid them back for all the interruptions by NOT voting for them. 

I seem to be on the edge of two state districts.  I’ve tried the strategy of telling the caller that I’m not in their district, that is assuming there is a person on the line, not a recording.

One of them called this morning at 7:30 with one of those recordings.  The call came from Virginia and there was a regular phone number showing on the caller ID.  I called back and told them I would not be voting for them because of that call. 

It just happened that I was still sleeping due to dogs being quiet.  So wake up, think – emergency – grab glasses – grab teeth – run to phone – get stupid political message. 

I must have said a few things out loud as the dogs didn’t make a peep for an hour.  When I offered to let them out they slinked through the door.  Poor things think everything is their fault.

2010-04 007

On a more cheerful note – that old horse got one more ride last week.  Just after this picture was taken something came loose and Mother and Grandmother grabbed two boys to safety.  The horse may be repairable but we’re not sure.

So I have voted and checked my post office box and paid my utilities already today. 

Maybe I’ll take a nap.


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Not Quite so Grumpy

After I complain I feel like I should apologize.  I do feel much better today.  I even made a meat loaf.  Actually when I make meat loaf I make 3 or 4 small ones since I cook for one.  That way I can freeze them and thaw them one at a time. 

I’ve always tried to use up things in the refrigerator when making a meat loaf.  It has gotten me into trouble a couple of times.

In the early 1960’s we lived in University of Florida married  students housing with roaches water bugs crawling over everything. 

The buildings were WWII army barracks and the wiring would not support A/C which would have helped keep them under control. 

I learned to wash dishes before and after using them. 

I learned to shake shoes upside down before putting them on. 

I learned not to stand in front of a kitchen cupboard door when opening it as bugs would often fall off the door.

I learned to seal up everything possible. 

So I made meat loaf and used up some stale rice crispies.  It didn’t take them long to go stale in that humidity.  The rice crispies swelled up in the meatloaf. 

As we sat down to eat I realized what they looked like roach water bug egg cases.   My husband and I looked at the meat loaf and looked at each other.  I said “rice crispies”.   We ate the meat loaf.  We were on a very tight budget.

The other time was when I was dating my 2nd husband, Bill.  I had added some left over baked beans to the meat loaf one night when he came to dinner.  He looked completely shocked.  He did manage to eat some of it. 

You had to know Bill.  He was a bit of a perfectionist.  Picture that – me married to a perfectionist.  It worked though, for 14 years until he died. 

I’m not nearly so perfect now.

So today’s meat loaf got some aged herb and garlic marinade put into it.  It’s not half bad, just different.

That was a pretty good ramble.  I MUST be feeling better.


Saturday, May 1, 2010


Okay, I’m feeling better enough to be grumpy.  Still coughing, have opted for the meds that make me dopey.  The antibiotics have reduced the fever from 4 degrees high to 1 degree. 

I think that means I have a virus as well as something bacterial.  Wake up every morning drenched in sweat – but that’s not unusual for me, at my age.  Especially since I am getting hormone blocker meds.  It’s something like permanent change of life. 

I’m waiting to watch the Kentucky Derby and chatting with a nephew on facebook.   Also trying to work up an appetite for food.

Nothing sounds good but I will eat anyway.  Maybe some chicken and rice.
