A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Living in an Area

When ads on TV try to target this area I live in they mention the neighboring towns and then add "and the ********* area". That's how I know we are an area.

Last night as I was getting ready for bed I heard police sirens and fire truck horns and sirens so I went to look out front to see where they were headed. The first police car made the turn toward the school buildings.

All the school buildings are together from kindergarten to high school and they are just around the corner from my house. After the police car came a fire truck blasting away. Then came two yellow school buses. That explained everything. They had won a football game. Someone had called ahead and had the police and the fire trucks meet them and escort them to the school. More fire trucks and police cars followed and lots of cars blowing their horns. I found my keys and pushed the panic button to start my car alarm going so I could share in the celebration.

That's the fun of living in an "area". Bet that doesn't happen in bigger towns. It somehow makes up for the times I get angry at the place. Like the time I called the police about charity money not going where it should. I got a call back from a minister, who was also the fire marshal, who was the minister where the money was supposed to go, who was banned from counciling couples due to his reputation with women.

We have it all in this area.


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