A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Women are allowed to change their minds.

Craigslist had a dog on there that needed a home, a six year old Shitzu spayed female.  I looked at the ad several times, it had no picture.

I called and left a message.  The lady called back and we arranged to meet today. 



As you can see I came home with a dog.  Her name is Rascal.  She is more active than Teddy and wants to play more.  She grabs up a toy and shows it to him and snarls, trying to get him to want it.  He doesn’t care. 

They will settle things between them.  I feel sure she will dominate him – that’s just the way females are.  I’m hoping he may learn to play some.

It will be a while before I can get a picture of the two of them together.  She is shorter but longer.

We have gotten rain which will mean more mowing.  After a week of heat wave we are back to normal.  I even had windows open.  There is one window that opens onto the porch so it can be open even in the rain. 

I know I’m crazy to want another dog when I don’t know what my future will be but it cheers me up to have the two of them and watch them interact.

It will be interesting to see how they settle who sleeps where tonight.

I weighed the same as the last appointment at the dr’s office, and I’m trying to eat enough.  The first few days after chemo are a challenge.  I read somewhere that a boiled egg was enough protein for a day.  Of course, I haven’t found anything that says how much dark chocolate is enough.



Linda said...

Congrats on your newest baby, looks pretty cute! Wonder why she has the name Rascal??

Bev said...

What is the shih tzu mixed with? Shih tzu's have droopy ears, and long hair on the tail. Probably it had been recently shaved, huh? Doesn't matter.....cute anyway.