A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

We Prayed for RAIN not WIND

In the first picture see the big rock?  See the bowling gazing ball?  The ball was on the rock or right beside it before the wind came.  I’ve heard people tell children that the Angels are bowling when it thunders.  Hmmmm.

Several live and dead branches fell out of my maple trees.  This all happened yesterday evening, may happen again tonight. 


There was a lot more wind and thunder then rain.   Outdoor things were canceled.  My lights went off and back on several times.  A lot of people’s lights stayed off.  The heat wave is predicted to last another several days.  Yuck.

A big show called a Tattoo was to be put on by the Airforce.  Eighty thousand people were predicted to watch it.  The wind damaged their stage and their tents and tipped over several porta potties.

It dropped 30 degrees in 15 minutes.  The security people had to check the porta potties to make sure no one was in them.   Four people were injured, none seriously.

The Airforce does this show once a year but it is canceled for this year.

They had to go ahead with the fireworks as they were wet and it wouldn’t be safe to try to use them another time or dismantle them.

My tomatoes are setting on and growing fast.  I didn’t water them last night.


As you can see Rascal drinks from the potty chair.   She likes it best for some reason.  Maybe she has had a lifelong wish to drink from a toilet and never could reach a full size one. 


Lunch and nap time.


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