A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Eighteen Months of Chemo

I don’t want to be considered a quitter but today, when my oncologist asked if I wanted to continue chemo I said NO. 

She agreed with me.  The blood tests show it isn’t working.  I am having pain in the area of my liver.  So far the vicodin is handling it pretty well. 

So I will get a PET scan, not scheduled yet, and see the Doctor again on July 9.  I am comfortable and happy with this decision.  

I smiled all the way home and even took a wrong road in my daze.  The wrong road was in a construction area which is changed every few days.

Some people will not be happy with my decision but it is my decision to make and eighteen months of poison is enough.  I want to try to enjoy the rest of my life.

A new-to-me refrigerator was delivered today.  Lory and John were here to accept it in case I didn’t get home in time. 

It has an ice maker but I have opted not to get it hooked up as I don’t use ice and I have heard they are a lot of trouble.  If someone else wants it hooked up, they can do it.


 Lory and John emptied the old refrigerator and threw out a lot of what was in the freezer.  They also filled the new one for me.   Thanks Lory and John.  They also enjoyed playing with Rascal.

This one is a scratch and dent from a used furniture store.  I never would have spent the money for a new one this nice.  I did want the bottom freezer and I love the double doors on top.

Without leaving my yard I took pictures of flowers this evening after I watered my tomato, potato, and onion plants.


Do not notice the huge burdock leaf, lower right, in the first picture. 

The orange lilies are often seen along old country roads.  I always picture a home built nearby.



The last one is a blurry onion bloom from a full size onion.  Each of those tiny flowers will have a seed.  I will share the seed with several people.  They may not work if the onion Lory planted is hybrid.

Each day is a treasure, enjoy it.




Linda said...

Love you Sis...Yes, each day is a treasure...

susanbrownsemail said...

Love you Mom. :)