A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Chemo and Teddy

Side affects, side effects.  I’ve never really figured out what the difference.  If anyone understands the difference let me know – in 5 letter words or less.

A side effect of living is death.  I do believe in an afterlife and that makes all this easier.

I went for chemo today.  My nurse told me of another woman who is taking Ixempra and is doing well. 

The doctor says we will do this for twelve weeks.  It took me a little while to figure out that is the usual three months between PET scans.  That makes it the end of June.

The doctor said my liver function is normal and my blood marker is 341 which is fairly stable.  I looked up what the liver does – it does about 500 things for us, like filtering out poisons.  So being given poison should put the chemo right into the liver.

This chemo takes a long time.  I was there from 8:30 to 1:30.  I took tuna salad and crackers and chocolate.  I took a nap (the nurse woke me up because I was snoring) then ate my snack. 

I took a bunch of books to their book exchange.  I have more but couldn’t carry them all.  I took one from their stack.  I have a book on my Nook that I have been waiting for so it has priority since it has a time limit. 

I couldn’t bear to put Teddy in his little cage for as long as I thought I would be gone.  I left him in the kitchen where his water is and I gave him a hard rubber toy (a Kong) with peanut butter on and in it.

I came home to one pee puddle and one poop dump.  If he had done that in his cage I would have had to give him a bath.   This happens only every three weeks so it can be dealt with.  The Kong was clean.

It rained some this morning and a thunder storm just went a bit south of us.  Teddy didn’t get upset about the thunder.  YEAH! 

I used to try to comfort Shadow about storms, the Great Dane.  HA!  I found the only thing that worked was beer or wine.  I wish I had known about not comforting and reinforcing their fear then.

We live and learn.



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