A Great Grandmother with dogs who is fighting breast cancer. This blog is to keep friends and family up on the latest happenings in my life.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Beautiful Weather

Nothing new around here except maybe the weather which has been beautiful.  Enjoy it while we have it. 

One place I lived I had a young sycamore tree.  We had a spring like this and it put out it’s leaves early.  Then there was a very hard freeze and most of the leaves fell off.  It had a very bare summer and I didn’t think it would survive. 

My Father visited and said it would be okay but it would wait to put out its leaves after this.

A sycamore tree can learn?  It did.  It never leafed out until after the last frost after that.  Now if we could just transplant that gene into the fruit trees.

I was early for my chemo appointment last week so I drove around the house where that tree was.  It has been cut down.  The willow and catalpa trees were also cut down.

Those trees were on the west side of the house and kept the afternoon sun off the house and the air conditioner.  People do the dumbest things.

  Maybe you read the comment on the blog (<- link) about the fish picture.  It’s a puffer fish.   I was telling my tricky child about the comment when she started grinning.  She put it there. 

It rained and thundered some last night.  I like to hear the rain – especially when I’m not in a flood zone. 

Teddy got a little upset with the thunder but I didn’t comfort him.  I have been told that if you comfort a dog during a storm he thinks you approve of that behavior.  I did relent and let him sleep at the foot of the bed. 

Visited the antique shop/barn yesterday.  They have been busy and have sold a lot of stuff.  Advertising will do that.  Once a month they have a “barn buster” sale and are open on Thursday as well as Friday and Sat. 

Maybe people are getting cabin fever and the garage sales haven’t started up yet. 


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